What are you baking? Sept 2023

I use a lot of Raymond’s recipes but haven’t tried this one. Thanks for posting, it looks delicious! (But then, all of your baking does.)


Beautiful presentation too, although a silver platter is what this beaut deserves.

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Oh but I love the plate!


The book was published 2021, I’m amazed how tasty the tinned pears are, 3rd iteration will have a blackberry tucked into the core section of the pear. And I know you also make his apple Normand tart :yum:

thanks, mts, next one will have a reasonable facsimile of a silver tray!

Me, too! I have a dozen of them bought when the franc was about 10 to the dollar, so that’s how old they are. I also bought at the same time dark green Bakelite handled knives in an “antique” store and then stopped in Biot and got green and yellow glasses to go with…love using them outside for lunch!
ETA I should put the set up on the “silver tray” :rofl:


Maple Glazed Donuts. I bought a donut pan quite awhile ago and after having a failure i just put it in the back of my pantry. Today i tried a recipe from Sallys Baking Addiction and achieved some success. The donut batter has pumpkin spices and the glaze a very maple flavour. I sprinked some maple sugar on top.


The polish looks like a French apple cake and Russian looks more like Lekach if I recall

I need to get some moon cakes. I wish the local Asian Mary’s sold individually ones so I can try different flavors. I like red bean or lotus seed with an egg yolk.

Having never had actual cider donuts how is this cake? I have it bookmarked from a few weeks ago.

Made some Coconut Mochi from a Genevieve Ko cookbook and a banana bread though I don’t recall from where.

I’m going to try and get a sour cream poundcake out of my ingredients before the last day of Sept is done.


I saw a French onion soup tarte tatine I’m curious to taste which means I’d have to make it

I’ve never had an actual cider donut, either. :blush:

We like the cake. It’s dense and heavy, like a donut, and the nutmeg comes through. I think the cinnamon-sugar coating is a must, if you’re going for that donut effect.

I’m tempted to try the recipe in a donut pan sometime.

I think TJ is selling Apple Cider Doughnuts, in baked goods section, sample was excellent.

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Latest batch from thi afternoon.



It’s a family favourite.

Great idea about putting the blackberry inside the pear!

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How do you like the other recipes in his book?

I’ve made my first Bramley apple crumble of the year. It was fantastic to dig into after getting caught out in the rain. It’s both tangy and sweet and the topping was a lovely, crunchy contrast to the soft apples.


October thread is up :slight_smile:

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I’ve had it a year (kindle) and they “read” as being very doable, but I can’t vouch for any as I don’t recall if I’ve done them.