What Are You Baking? June 2023

I’m still waiting for mine to grow; no sign of it yet. :neutral_face:
These look heaven! Enjoy them!


Battenberg cake from a Fortnum and Mason recipe.

And, of course, after assembly, I notice that I didn’t trim the end. LOL oh well.


It really was. Twenty-five or so people had horizontally halved slices, and at least a few came back for a bit of seconds, and all that was only a bit more than three-quarters of the cake. The same number of small slices of triple-lemon cake ate up just under a bundt cake and a half.


If anyone’s local public library subscribes to Hoopla for on-demand ebooks, they have this (and Sarah Kieffer’s other books except for the Vanilla Bean Baking Book).


I am making my husbands favorite Cooks Illustrated “rich and tender yellow cake”, with a chocolate ganache frosting for “Father’s day weekend” as he would say.

Of course it is way to hot in the kitchen for this to go as planned. I’m trying ice packs.

I know I am supposed to put it in the fridge and stir every 15 minutes, but then it seems to get too stiff too fast. Open to suggestions.


Do you have an electric hand or stand mixer? That may help when it stiffens up? Just a thought.

Ahh! Thanks! Just put the mixer away! When I tried that in years past it seemed to put too much air in it, but I know I have to try something different. I hoped I could just take all day but its getting late! :grimacing:

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Good luck and Happy Father’s Day to your H!

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Thank you @Lambchop!

I added some unsweetened chocolate

Phew! I thought I would never use that!

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The famous buttermilk cake, this time with blueberries.


I originally started baking this recipe from Epicurious, but Deb has it too on Smitten. Usually with raspberries, but their season hasn’t quite started yet here.

A summer staple for me.


Fluffy buttermilk rolls


They look awesome! Care to share the recipe?

Recipe is here:


Just have the browser translate it for you. Steph uses fresh yeast, so for instant yeast you only need 2 grams. I did cold bulk ferment and proofed at room temp since I wanted to bake them today.

Awesome! Thank you!!

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Sunshine are going to a party tomorrow evening. The host really enjoyed the hot milk cake I made a while back, so I made another one for tomorrow. I’ll put vanilla icing on it after it cools. (Recipe Credit: Glen and Friends Cooking)


I’m not typically in favor of chicken on pizza (or a whole bunch of other foods tbh), but I have homemade bbq sauce and also a little bit of the bacon I cured and smoked, so I thought bbq chicken pizza might be fun. I cooked the breast sous vide to ensure really moist meat.

And some prosciutto, pineapple, and jalapeño pizza.


Black Forest wacky cake from ‘Snackable Bakes’. I love BFC and this looked like an easy version to try. The topping is excellent and in my opinion deserves a better chocolate cake.


Sunshine asked for a homemade chocolate cake with homemade chocolate icing. The day kind of got away from me and I got it frosted right before we went to sleep. Apparently, my little Sunshine couldn’t wait until morning and did a little “midnight snacking” on the cake.


This looks delicious.

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