What are you baking? June 2022

TIGRÉ ALMOND CAKES. Easy to make. I fo.lowed the recipe exactly using regular muffin pan. 2 tablespoons of batter got me 12. Nice moist financiers


Very professional looking…beautiful!

Dorie Greenspan has a recipe for these in Baking Chez Moi that I made a few years ago. It’s a delicious twist on classic financiers.


Thanks they aren’t hard to make

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Oh I knew there was something similar in one of my books but couldn’t figure out which one. EYB didn’t help me.

Making a Rich and Tender Yellow Cake I printed from a CI recipe on husband birthday in 2007.

A little uneven… :thinking:

Also making the “chocolate cream frosting” from a CI recipe I printed in 2005. Essentially ganache. Husband preferred milk chocolate. I’ve been gradually titrating up the percentage of chocolate, now about 80 percent Guittard 66 percent, and 20 percent "milk chocolate ", but right now can only find “Ghirardelli premium baking chocolate chips”, and Hershey’s Symphony "Creamy Milk Chocolate ".

I was under the impression that chocolate chips wouldn’t melt right, but the bag has melting instructions! Any thoughts?


I’ve used chocolate chips in ganache successfully…

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Perfect. Thank you!

Looks good!


Wow those are delicious. Crispy on the outside and very moist in center almost like eating marzipan. I thought my sons would go for 2 but 1 was just enough decadence


Done! Not pristine, but tasty!

“Messy” slices.


I wouldn’t turn that down :slight_smile:

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To celebrate the end of a project/decommissioning of a very old Access database at work, I made Claire Saffitz’s Rhubarb Custard cake ( which I am sure I made last spring)… https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/rhubarb-custard-cake


Oh that sounds lovely! tell me more about it!

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I made the nectarine/brown butter buckle from Smitten Kitchen yesterday.

It is delicious, but how could it not be with nectarines and brown butter being the star ingredients?

I used mango nectarines from the farmers’ market. They aren’t a hybrid; they are nectarines that taste like mangoes. They are fantastic.

I start with more than 3/4 cup of butter because some evaporates during browning and you’re supposed to end up with 3/4 cup. I ended up with a little extra. My dog thought he’d gone to heaven.



That sounds soooooo good!

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This brings to mind Melissa Clark’s brown butter nectarine cobbler cake, which is really delicious made with any stone fruit. Here’s a non-paywalled version that’s accurate to the original.

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ACCESS! I just had such a big flashback to grad school.

I love that cake so much and yours looks incredible. I make it every year.


Earl Grey scones with some of my mango and passion fruit jam and a sort of mock clotted cream. The scones are so good on their own that really the toppings are superfluous, but I wanted to make use of the jam.


More cream scones. Today’s version includes 25% white whole wheat flour, and I whisked a little honey into the cream before whipping it. The King Arthur recipe calls for 12 small scones, but instead I made 8 big ones.


King Arthur’s Sourdough Discard Biscuits. I made a half recipe, and cut it into two giant biscuits. Served with a choice of home-picked/homemade jam: blueberry or blackberry (or both!).