What are you baking? July 2023

The Bounty of Summer! An assortment of fruits I had in house, fig, apricot ,cherry, raspberries and blueberries. The base is mostly almond meal with a little flour, I’ve made this innumerable times with all types of fruit. Adapted from a Donna Hay recipe for pear almond tart.


KA has blueberry powder and I’ve been meaning to use it in something. After it cools down, I might try this recipe!

Wish I could find real, not dried, figs! The stores here don’t carry them.

These were particularly delicious which doesn’t happen all that frequently. We had them with some goat cheese yesterday on toasted baguette slices :yum:! Sometimes if there is not enough demand, stores stop stocking them as they are so perishable.


I absolutely love that combination. We have a fig tree, but it stopped giving fruit, which is ok since the birds and squirrels got most of it anyway when it did. But I really wish I had access to more figs.

We tried growing one , unsuccessfully, just too cold even though we wrapped it. If they made miniature ones available, I’d try it in a pot and garage it over the winter!

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Make sure it’s freeze-dried fruit ground to a powder. I bought some from strawberry powder from Modernist Pantry and it was not the same as what I grind myself from freeze-dried fruit. The flavor was pretty bad to me and I ended up tossing it.


Ok I looked at the King Arthur one and it’s similar to this based on description. It might be better, but there’s a big difference in flavor and color when you use ground freeze-dried fruit vs this.

I have a question about the Milk Bread recipe from Woks of Life … I’ve made a few times, delicious.

It calls for the milk and cream to be at room temperature, everything, including yeast, is put into your mixer then kneaded in the mixer.

I’ve been measuring out the milk and cream, leaving it on the counter a couple of hours. Sometimes it’s still quite cool (cold summers at coast in SF).

What should I do?

I use everything cold from the fridge when making bread. Granted I’m trying to control the temps, but there’s no problem even at cooler temps using room temp or even refrigerated ingredients to make bread.
The cool room temps in San Francisco are honestly ideal for dough temperature. Your rising times might take longer is all.
If you’re concerned about time, heat them until warm to the touch.

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I have a potted fig tree that I bring in in the winter. I get at least a dozen a year, so small yield, but also small tree. Unfortunately I left it in my attic room last winter and a spell of -30C killed them.


We should share some pie. I’m not that fond of the crust and never eat the edge.


I’m with @mig in that I love crust but think the edges of slab pie can be a bit too much of it.

Pavlova, thank you for that! I just might keep an eye out for one! We have a bay tree that gets garaged every winter, so I would certainly try the fig. I’d be very happy with a dozen figs!

We had a very fertile backyard fig tree when I was a kid (it didn’t hurt that it was in the corner of the yard where my father had the compost heap), but we never really got any, because by the time they were ripe, the critters had a lock on them.

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Definitely an issue here in the past, but now it doesn’t even give fruit at all. No idea why this happened.

Peach cake from Sally’s baking addiction. Fantastic! Don’t bother tenting the cake - peaches from Peach Truck


And so it begins: the start of stone-fruit-envy season. We won’t see any good local peaches for weeks. :crying_cat_face:


“Local” peaches in MN come from Colorado… usually in August.

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We’ve had peaches at the farmers market for a while now, but I always find they’re not great until later in the season. Plus, the freestones don’t come in until August, anyway. I’ve been concentrating on apricots and cherries, which have a more fleeting season (and are really good this year).

I’m eyeing my plum tree, and wondering when they’ll fully ripen. It’s usually at the beginning of August, but we had an exceptionally cool spring, and summer so far has been a bit cooler than usual, so from the looks of things it’ll be late this year.


What kind of plums are they?