What are you baking? January 2024

First sourdough bake for 2024. This batch is a preserved Meyer lemon sourdough.


A regular sourdough loaf with bits of preserved lemon mixed in? I’m intrigued

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I purée the preserved lemons into a paste and mix it into the sourdough.


Mom needed something for social hour at her church, so I rummaged around int the freezer and found a bag of cranberries I bought at Xmas and forgot about. Made this lovely cranberry cake. (Looks homely, tastes terrific.) I swapped out the almond extract and added 1/4 tsp of orange oil because I’ve been really feeling cran-orange this season.

Man this is good. Cranberries are underrated.

I have to bake something today as well for an event tomorrow …. Thinking.


I absolutely love fresh cranberries in baked goods, too. It’s honestly why I find dried cranberries disappointing in comparison.


I had some frozen egg whites , frozen swiss buttercream so made macarons. A teaspoon of dulce de leche in the centre. Got 16 macrons. These were made on friday and left to mature in the fridge. We will have some soon with coffee, rest
will be frozen.


They look absolutely perfect! Do you have a recipe for the macaron shell? I’m hoping to make mine look like yours

It took me a long time to get these little buggers to look half decent. After trying many methods i found i got consistent results using Pies and Tacos recipe, here is an example ,https://www.piesandtacos.com/vanilla-macarons/
She has a website, you tube , instagram and a wonderful book called Macaron School. I purchased mine on Amazon.
I have a gas stove and it took me some time to find the right temperature to bake them at. I preheat to 350 and as soon as they are in turn it down 300. Had a hard time with macarons cracking and then read somewhere that inverting and doubling trays will help. Never that another cracked macaron. Sally who also makes macarons tried this and was grateful for this info. I have several brands of macaron mats. These are my favourite https://www.amazon.ca/Aprince-Silicone-Baking-Sheets-Macarons/dp/B06XYFW3Y2/ref=sr_1_77?crid=15WN1G9IJCYIX&keywords=Macaron+mats&qid=1704656117&sprefix=macaron+mats%2Caps%2C599&sr=8-77 . Feel free to ask anytime you wish


P.s. items are in can.$

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You could teach a class!

I’m afraid to attempt on my own. They are so cute but I don’t even crave eating them!

Lulu makes a lot of really good baked goods from that site/book.


You’re right. For dried “red fruit” I do like dried tart cherries, but dried cranberries are very often a letdown.

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Ciabattina Rolls from Savory Baking. These were fun to put together using a biga,

a dough whisk and some stretch and folds. The pair of rolls you see are the smallest 2, which I baked on a small sheet pan. I crowded the other 6 on a large sheet pan, so they didn’t brown as well. They are light and crisp and soft inside and I’ll definitely make them again, and divide into 10-12.


Dried cherries are my favorite dried fruit and I really miss them. Cranberries are the best substitution but I’ve never liked them nearly as much.


It doesn’t help that they’re almost all sweetened. (It’s pretty easy for me to get unsweetened dried tart cherries if I want to go that way; my local market carries them in pre-packed bulk.)

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Have you tried soaking dried cranberries before baking? Maybe in kirsch or rum? I bet that could improve them. I like rum-soaked raisins better in some baked things like Stollen.

I don’t like when Craisins show up in salads unannounced. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Still working on consistent and reliable gluten-free bread, but here’s today’s loaf, made with brown rice and sorghum flours. I should say here is the loaf along with its messy babies, intended for burger buns later this week.


Just put Dorie’s Blueberry-Buttermilk bundt cake into the oven. This recipe is from Everyday Dorie, a book I own but lives (irrationally) in Brooklyn. Fortunately I found a copy of the recipe online. I don’t think I’ve ever made her recipe for this cake before, which is funny considering the fruit+buttermilk bundt is basically my signature cake.

This is for an event Mom has tomorrow that I’m not attending, so I might not get any. This is difficult because, you know, quality control is important. I might “need” to carve a taste out of the bottom tonight, just to make sure :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! These were a little Christmas project for me so I’m hoping to get some more practice in before the next one to get them to look beautiful… or at least better than last year :grin:

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This cake looks delicious. I don’t have the book, but also found the recipe on-line. If I can ask, what size bundt pan did you use?

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