what are you Baking? February 2024

Those look so good!

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Chocolate Crumble Tart:
Chocolate crumble base with a soft chocolate filling. This was a test drive for a larger tart, the crumble base was nice and crunchy and the filling remained pleasingly soft. This was made this morning to allow enough set up time. The tricky part was removing the ring mold and keeping the filling intact. A few hazelnuts added some extra crunch and a small spoonful of caramel sauce added another dimension but the sauce was unnecessary. This was originally a recipe for seven inch tart, I’m happy to have made a couple of three inch ones, a Michael Roux inspiration.



Saw these at Target tonight; never used them. Anyone have experience with these?

ETA: amazing how much they look like chickpeas.


2nd Daughter visited this weekend and Sunday afternoon before she went back we made some bagels:

We made 10 but 2 got eaten (by her and my wife) before I snapped a pic. Daughter was happy that none of them had much of a mid-hole. She left us 3 more and took the other 5 back with her.

A couple of nights ago this bread accompanied dinner (and I’ve already mentioned it in the dinner thread).

I wanted a baguette like bread with a soft, even crumb so I used a tangzhong method on a basic baguette recipe enriched with olive oil. I got the texture I wanted but the crust, while crispy, wasn’t heavy enough. And the seeds got too toasted so if I try again, I’ll egg-wash the loaf and seed after maybe 10 minutes of baking.


I’ve never seen them before, but it looks like I’m making a trip to Target tomorrow. There is so much I can do with these – cookies, toppers on cupcakes, caramel bit sweet quick bread. I’m wondering if I can roll these inside Sunshine’s chocolate peanut butter rolls??


Curious as to why?

Here’s SE on why that happens (and how to avoid it — bagels are supposed to have holes :joy:)

Cream cheese leakage


She most often turns them into sandwiches to take to work for lunch during the week. So the smaller the hole, the better, as far as she is concerned (so stuff doesn’t ooze out the hole while she’s eating - ETA - basically what @ipsedixit wrote).

Usually 2-4 have a “normal” sized hole so she leaves those for us.

Just a personal idiosyncrasy, really.

We talked about simply flattening them without hole-making as part of the forming stage, but the one time we tried it they were very high in the middle. Not quite spherical, but getting toward that.


Bagel balls

Probably won’t cook as evenly in the center either

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So… she doesn’t slice the sandwich in half either, I take it?

It’s kind of impossible to eat a bagel without stuff squeezing out from somewhere :joy: (this is why I eat my bagels quarter by quarter, like a heathen or some more applicable insult, and also why I think it’s a terrible vehicle for a sandwich :rofl:)


I think she should get into the bialy instead. :joy:


That’s funny, I just mentioned recently that I am of the unpopular opinion that bagels are not great for sandwiches except that a lot of bagels are terrible and don’t resemble a real one except in shape, so that’s why they get used for sandwiches when much better options exist for that purpose.
Along with hating runny eggs in said sandwiches as I feel runny eggs are for plates :joy:.


TIL the word/food/bread “bialy”. Thanks! I need to start looking at more Polish foods than just pierogi and some sausages, given it’s part of my heritage (I’m a mutt).

But these might be right up her alley as a bread-type vehicle for sandwiches, minus (in her particular case) the filling for the depression. We’ll give them a whirl.

I always did for the kids when I made them bagel sandwiches (first horizontally bisected per usual, I mean, then cut once across the middle vertically). But I don’t know what she’s doing now. But yeah, stuff’s going to squish out no matter what. My favorite (and a family favorite) is tightly rolled slices of hard salami. At least that way, when they try to squish out, you can “properly” poke them back in using just the pinky. :slight_smile:

I got hooked on bagel/meat/cream cheese sandwiches about the time I was leaving the Army, and never stopped. Right out of the oven, I might eat one sliced with just some cream cheese, but next day or later, they’re sandwich vehicles as far as I’m concerned.


I think of bialy as a very New York/East Coast thing, though yes, Poland is the birthplace. Because they’re not boiled like bagels, they make for more manageable sandwiches, and what you use for the indentation can really add to the sandwich!


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: What are You Baking? March 2024

And dipped pretzels! I use to go nuts unwrapping those candies! It’s been awhile, and I don’t know if I will do them again, but it was fun!


I started a new thread for March



…and here’s a CI illustration for English tea goodies. All the talk of English tea has me thinking I need one of those tiered serving pieces….


You do. You definitely do. :laughing: