What are you baking? August 2022

Yes, it does, and that looks accurate.

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To those who don’t live in the PNW, the himalayan blackberry is a weed. Likely labeled a noxious weed. It was brought here and sold in nurseries until people discovered that it completely takes over here - it loves the growing conditions so much. Now you will find it basically everywhere. It’s good and bad. Delicious. But everyone with a yard is fighting to keep it from encroaching. The vines are sharp and long and treacherous :slight_smile: But it makes a great hiking snack as you are walking the numerous trails here.


(post deleted by author)


We had hillsides of the wild blackberry where I lived. We had a small patch of the thornless blackberry that we cultivated and did well, wasn’t invasive but sadly died during a rare freeze in 1971. I’m sure all of those hillsides where I picked wild berries (and caught a few cases of poison oak along the way) have all been developed into homes.


Can I ask whether you used salted or unsalted butter? The version of the recipe which I have doesn’t specify. Given its European origin, salted would seem odd.

The version I have calls for 1/4 t. granulated salt in the recipe.

I almost always use unsalted.


Thank you!

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