What Are You Baking? April 2024

Orange-cinnamon Morning Buns, inspired by Sarah Kieffer’s Morning Buns on the Vanilla Bean Blog, which were themselves inspired by Chad Robertson’s Morning Buns from the Tartine bakery.

I chose to work with Violet Bakery’s no-yeast cinnamon-cardemom dough, using the zesty orange filling from Tartine, and topping with just a smear of an OJ-and-vanilla spiked butter-and-sugar glaze.

I made a total of six, but two glazed buns disappeared as samples. A very nice version of this bun (the dough for which I’m enamored with). Next, I hope to try the same bun with Kieffer’s filling for Apple Morning Buns.


I love cardamom, but it never comes through strongly enough for me in baked goods.

Just saw this – has anyone made Doolsho / Somali cardamom sponge cake before?

The one comment on the cake was that the person had put in 1/2 t and she could still taste the cardamom. So maybe 1t would be sufficient?

Have you ever made the Cardamom Cake from My Bombay Kitchen?

I love this recipe, originally from Sweden, and I can smell and taste the Cardamom … I grind it fresh before adding to the batter.

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Yes, I have

Rhubarb upside down cake, using the 2nd to last packet of frozen rhubarb from 2023. This year’s crop is growing quickly and leaves are now visible from the kitchen window. First harvest ETA May 17.

Recipe posted here on HO a couple of years ago.

Baked in a 2 quart casserole since my 8x8 pans are full of egg bake from this morning. And it took 55 minutes to get the deep golden brown crispy top crust we prefer. Already 2/3 gone - afternoon snack and supper dessert.


Ha! I just made rhubarb muffins with the last of the rhubarb in the freezer!

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“For muffins” is the note on my final bag - diced smaller than for upside down cake or crisp.

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I had pie crust dough in the freezer, and a lot of jam to use up, so hand pies it was. I made 9 peach and 2 cherry. Very rustic, they wept butter and leaked jam all over the place. Nobody here cares – with hand pies, it’s all about a flaky crust with the crunch of sugar and a schmear of jam. They’ll be gone in a couple of days, and I have two less open jars of jam to purpose.


FYI there’s a new Cooking From thread for RLB:



Photos to go with the tale of woe over on WAYB March 2024 discussion of Violet Bakery cinnamon buns. This is what happens when you use 1.5 C. of flour (per book typo), rather than 4.5 C. - Cardamom cupcakes with brown-sugar cinnamon base and topping.


I posted some thoughts on the March thread following your post, but think these look great, considering circumstances - nice save!

Thanks, and it’s likely I will try again. I liked your ideas for additional fillings, too.

PRAY FOR ME because I’m baking my FIRST EVER “vegan” cookie and this is extremely outside my wheelhouse. In fact, it’s beyond the wheelhouse, it’s actually over the hill, past the railroad tracks, way across town, and in a van down by the river.

I volunteered to bake for a work event and there were so many dietary restrictions that I had to find something that was vegan and gluten free. This recipe is based on nuts so anyone with a nut issue is going to be SOL.


I find that the best gluten-free baking often has nuts. I have some good gluten free recipes, and some good vegan recipes… but haven’t found one that is both!

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Love it!:blush:


Baked a nutella chocolate chip babka. Defrosted some frozen brioche dough, smeared some nutella and sprinkled some chocolate chip. Had some frozen strudel and that went on top. Unfortunately cant even have a taste. Recovering from a colitis attack, spent 4 days in hospital.


I’m so sorry to hear about your health issue! Can you slice a piece or two and freeze to try later?


Oh! No! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you. I rarely eat what i bake. Just the tiniest little sampling.