What are you baking? April 2022


and here’s more text, since HO doesn’t like my post.

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Well, Holy Smokes, thank you!

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Bravo that is very appetizing !

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Thank you ! A couple of granddaughters dropped by and took half home…they were very happy with it.

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I need help with a recipe I was volunteered to make for a wedding.

This is a Crisco-era “Italian cookie” recipe I was given on an old recipe card. I just made a half-batch of as a trial. The cookies are not good; they frankly remind me of Bisquick-type “biscuits.” You are supposed to split them in half, dig out a little well and fill it with jam, then replace the top and dust with powdered sugar. They are dry, not flavorful, difficult to split, and don’t really look pretty.

Since the point of this nostalgia cookie is nostalgia, I’m most interested in finding out what these are supposed to look and taste like (versus rewriting the recipe completely.) For your reference:

1.5 c sugar
1.5 c Crisco
6 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
8 c flour
1 cup milk
8 tsp (!) baking powder

Basic cream method, then add eggs and vanilla, then flour and milk. Roll into balls and bake briefly.
italian cookies


From your photo I was reminded of baci di dama, but the recipe doesn’t resemble them at all.
Recipe looks ok outside of the Crisco and the fact that it’s a low amount of fat for all that flour. The sugar is low, too, but that can be ok for sandwich type cookies. Baking powder is fine since it’s basically 1 tsp per cup of flour, and that’s a lot for a cookie, but if the cookie is biscuit-like I can see it. Milk is kind of weird for that style of cookie, but not for a biscuit-like result. Salt is low.
I’m going to see if I can remember an Italian cookie that is similar to that.

Exactly right. Not enough fat, first and most egregious problem. Here’s a funny thing: when i was measuring out the milk, I put Mom’s skim milk back in the fridge and used my raw grass-fed deliciously incredibly creamy full-fat milk. I imagine if I had used the skim, I would’ve spit the first one out when I tasted it!

They’re also not sweet enough for me, although I must say, that’s my impression generally of Italian-American cookies - from Italian-American bakeries, that is. I’ve never had homemade, I don’t think.

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Ha, I usually find Italian baked goods more sweet than I like. I mean, even rainbow cookies, which I love, I find pretty sweet. But I can see what you mean for some of the butter cookies, which I tend to love for that reason.

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The cookies are better today, flavor wise, but even harder to split and scoop without crumbling.

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MAY discussion is here!