WFD meta discussion

I have to feel like the new banner must be directed at this thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



In the boating world there is a crowd-sourced review website called ActiveCaptain. More like Yelp than HO. Still, I often find the most helpful reviews are my own old ones when I go back somewhere I haven’t been for a while.


Same here.


@klyeoh I’m glad you found a food community to meet and eat with in person!

Thank you for continuing to post - I really enjoy the read, and one day when I visit these places, I will reference them! (And maybe we will have a bite together too.)


I look forward to the time when international borders are open again, and we can all travel. Do drop me a line if you’re ever in my neck of the woods.

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I hate when my fears come true.


Any idea what’s prompted that deciison, Saregama? Rooster’s comments upthread give no indication that he was thinking of leaving. Obviously one respects a person’s choice but I try to understand their decision - has something happened on another thread?

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Well, OK then. I had no idea this thread was going on until @escaped tagged me about my PSTOMGOW (Proverbial Shit Ton Of My Glasses Of Wine). :wink:

I’ve read most of the posts in this thread, but wanted to leave this here:

I know I’m one who uses the WFD threads as a way to “release from the day” - and very few people do that on that thread.

Is it word vomit? Sure, it can be. Do you want to know I was almost in an accident last Saturday with a bicycler who cut in front of me crossing the road? Perhaps not. But you can also scroll on by my post if you want to get to the “What the hell is Linda cooking tonight?” part of my post.

(ETA: But I have to say when my Mom passed and noting the fact that what I cooked for dinner that night - her Lemon Pot Roast recipe reheated from the freezer - was in memory of her, having people from around the country express their sympathies to me was very much needed AND appreciated, as I was feeling very alone and drained on that night.)

Do I have other forums in which I do the same thing (spew my day)? Yes, I do, but this is a separate group from them and I like having others who aren’t on those forums/FB groups to “talk to”.

Am I too effing chatty sometimes? Well, yeah. I’m single, I live alone, and the cats don’t respond to me except to demand more food even after I’ve fed them. :wink: I rarely go out (and haven’t done so in the past year +) so I use WFD in the manner in which it was intended back on CH - what I’m cooking at home. I also tend to use WFD as a way to have a conversation as if we’re all Tim “the Tool Man” Taylor chatting with his neighbor, Wilson, across the backyard fence at the end of the day ( “Home Improvement” reference).

BUT…having said that, and having been a longtime member/contributor on the WFD thread on CH, I enjoy the leeway that HO gives on the WFD threads by “allowing” restaurant meals, and allowing the chatter, provided it doesn’t go too far off course of the main gist of the thread.

@NotJrvedivici, you can put me down for a “leave WFD the way it is” vote.


Linda, I lOVE reading your posts. Keep on being your chatty self. Everyone’s WFD posts bring a smile to my face, whatever the origin of the meal, fresh, frozen, gifted, restaurant. They are all lovely!


In the inclusive spirit of this thread and warning all that I have a warped sense of humor, I offer what I had for breakfast this morning.

In recognition of the fact that there are at least three kinds of tons, I suggest upping your game to metric shit tonnes.

For whatever it may be worth your stick figure and the posts that go with them always stop my scroll button. I enjoy your contributions. When I think of the HO community you are part of what draws me back day after day.

If you ever need a Wilson to engage with I volunteer.


The feeling is mutual. All my best wishes and have a lovely holiday / spring break weekend.


it’s never too much for me! i don’t always reply, but do try to leave a like when i love what you’re making or relate to the stuff we all wade through (and the wine!)


No judging from me. Hell, if dinner for me can be a glass of wine and Cheez-Its (or Cheddar Goldfish, depending on what I have in the house), you can mostly certainly have a Pop-Tart for breakfast. I always went with the apple-cinnamon frosted one, myself. :smiley:

And I never did figure out metric weights and measures. So a shit-ton will remain a regular ol’ shit-ton. LOL

Thanks for your and Heidi’s and escaped’s comments.


The chattiness is why I love WFD as it is. Your posts have a lot to do with that. I really didn’t think it was that big of a deal for people to include a little about their daily life. I cannot recall discussions in that thread ever becoming badly derailed and spiraling to the point of nausea.

That’s why I posted here what I did early on. I like the variety.

Would WFD truly be better served by nothing but a litany of identically formatted posts? Nothing but “Here’s my dinner”, a picture, and “This is how I made it”? No additional commentary? No humor? No cocktail or what you were drinking with that? No backstory on the recipe?

To each their own, and I don’t judge anyone for their posts. You can quite literally format your post as I just described and that is totally fine. But should all be that way?

That’s what makes this a real community, especially when people take an interest in your life aside from food. Again, fellow HOs, is that so bad?


NOOO @Rooster edited to add (sorry @tomatotomato for editing after you “knife and forked me”).

How did it come to this?

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I too am disheartened to see @rooster go. I respect his decision but wish it did not come to that.


I concur

I used to be very active on CH WFD and HO when I discovered it. In 2016 I was busy planning a two week trip to Europe and I quit posting. After I returned I decided not to continue. Two reasons: I thought my meals had become repetitious and there was a person on here who I found really irritating. They are long since gone, exiled or voluntary, I don’t know. I post occasionaly when I make something new that turns out well or I request a recipe and post the results of my effort.
I spend almost every morning with all of you while eating breakfast. I enjoy all your meals, homemade, restaurant or whatever, I enjoy your chit chat, weep with you, laugh with you. @mariacarmen expressed my feelings perfectly, let’s leave it as is.


I, for one, wish you would post more, repetitious or not.


Thank you, I’ll make an effort to post more often.