Weekly Menu Planning – August 2023

Just asked where he had planned to bike, and it was Gatineau Park and the path by the river. He’s fairly resigned to the fact that biking next week is unlikely, but not giving up until those days. He’s having a couple dinners out with his friends; I’m guessing the Ottawa dinners will be steaks.


Has LL returned home? If so, maybe the two of you can have bean fest.

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Just dropped him at the airport, and Lulu and I had fun discussing which bean meals to make this week!


WOW on the rain/flooding photos. Glad your neighborhood missed the worst of it.

Get well soon on the achy joints, and your week of planned meals sounds like the perfect mix of new and reheat/repeat.

If age 50 is when the “warranty” expires @LulusMom1 , I guess I’m lucky that my knees waited another 18 years to give up as they did this summer. I’ve got 5 more weeks of daily PT exercises here and every time I think I’ve recovered enough for extra time cooking/baking, the next morning my knees say “rest and elevation again”.


How did I miss that you’re going through this? Hope the rest of the recovery goes swiftly and smoothly!


Actuals for Aug 7 week, cooking for two in MN. Where as noted above, the knees are not happy and have moved from twinging on stairs to twinging while walking. Fortunately, standing still is OK and resting with legs elevated is helping when I over-stress. As are the daily PT exercises. But I find myself planning more carefully what needs to come from each cupboard as I assemble and cook.

Mon: Costco chicken. Mashed potatoes. Fresh peach. Red grapes. (Is there anyone who manages to resist getting a rotisserie chicken on their Costco shopping trips?)
Tues: Chef’s salad, Dessert - Bakery single-serve key-lime cheesecake
Wed: Baked Tukey chimichangas. Dessert was cookies at the new Fire station open house. We are so happy it’s done. We can enjoy meals on our back deck. And the fireman can track that (if they have the time between calls) because one of the 3rd floor stairway windows looks directly over/into all the back decks and yards in the neighborhood.
Thurs: Mac & cheese, cod fish nuggets (mini fish sticks) tossed iceberg lettuce salad w cucumber, tomato
Fri: BAKED –2 Zucchini Bundt Loaf cakes – orange walnut and Lemon
Pork tenderloin with honey dijon glaze, reheated mac & cheese, boxed veggies side (riced cauliflower, green beans, fried onions, mushroom sauce). Zucchini cake w ice cream
Sat: Lunch - Awesome Hot ham & poppy seed party sandwiches, caprese salad
Dinner: Pork tenderloin, reheated. Beside a grilled peach and feta panzanella salad modified by my baking buddy from this starting point Https://saltandwind.com/recipes/27-grilled-peach-panzanella-salad-recipe. A half recipe, with the onion/garlic strained from dressing and about 1/2 C. Feta as topping. This was so good we kept having “just one more spoonful”.
Sun: If the weather cooperates we’ll go to a nearby smaller airport for Sweet corn and Brats - a fundraiser for the local aircraft home-builders group/ EAA Chapter.


Thanks for answering my question about savory peach dishes. Gonna give one of those a try this week, as we investigate whether or not bad childhood experiences with canned peaches have ruined the fruit for us forever.

For two adults in San Diego:

This week’s breakfasts: Chocolate chip scones. Gotta start off the day with chocolate as I head back into my office to prep for the semester to start in a week.

S: (tonight) takeout - chicken curry fried rice with gyoza and egg rolls.

Su: Pasta with TJs pesto chicken, peas, and Boursin cheese

M: Going to put together a salad inspired by this: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/peach-blue-cheese-salad. Will probably change up the dressing. Will add bacon and serve with garlic bread. - salad

T: Sandwiches with leftover pesto chicken, tomato, and havarti on sourdough, served with fruit.

W: Crab cakes (purchased) with esquites. - seafood

Th: Ramen with assorted veggies (carrots, spinach, cabbage, green onions) and soft boiled egg - vegetarian

F: Salami and spinach pizza on Boboli, Caesar salad on the side.

Have a good week!


I love a peach-and-blue-cheese-salad.


Greetings, People.

Posting late this week, as we’ve just returned from a four-day road trip in neighboring British Columbia. Some of our most memorable times as a married couple have been spent in BC and the Yukon, and our excursion this year was no exception.

Our main objective was charter fishing on the west coast of Vancouver Island for a few days. It went very well - we limited on king and silver salmon both days, resulting in (after processing) over 60 lbs. of vac-packed, frozen filets for the freezer. All my hard work cleaning out the freezer inventories (staring last January) was just short of adequate – as I write I’m thawing yet two pork shoulders to make enough room for all of the fish (and strawberries, blueberries, peas and squash from this year’s harvest). One of the pork shoulders will go for carnitas; the other we’ll most likely grind for future use.

As far as the fish goes – if I cook one package a week every week for the next year, we’ll eat through the supply before our next fishing trip. I’m so stoked!

Coming home to a garden plenteous with peppers, cukes, zuccs, green beans, and tomatoes. I see blackberries and peaches on the horizon, as well.

Here’s a combo of our actuals and planned this week (two adults in the PNW):

FRI: On the road: dinner out – fish and chips!

SAT: On the road: scrounging from our cooler.

SUN: Back home. Roasted king salmon with blueberry sauce. Fried spuds. Pan-roasted tomatoes.

MON: Thai Beef Salad from Recipe Tin Eats.

TUE: Pizza-ish grilled flatbread on the Weber gas grill (I’m cooking). Roasted Italian sausages and green beans (back-up).

WED: Fried chicken ala Thomas Keller. Slaw. Maybe biscuits.

THUR: Lohikeitto (Finnish salmon soup), with thanks to @AD1 for the link. Homemade baguette.


Glad you had such a great, freezer-filling time! That Finnish salmon soup sounds great.


By this morning I had figured out my pork-butt dilemma, and by means of Tetris managed to get them back in the freezer. Yay! Everything is buttoned down and frozen rock-solid this morning. Job done. :clap:


Hi everyone! This summer feels like it is zipping by at an insane speed. School activities begin for Lulu on Friday, and LLD will be teaching this semester, which starts next week, I think. It’s her senior year, so it will be crazy, exciting, happy, nostalgic, and all sorts of other feelings for the whole family. Still gotta eat! Here’s what we had this week:

Sun: L went out to dinner with a friend, LLD and I had a last minute date. I got crab legs and absolutely loved them.

Mon: cauliflower, cashew, pea coconut curry from Made in India, basmati.

Tues: senior picture evening, LLD took L and they grabbed a bit after. I made myself some pasta.

Wed: college counselor meeting with the whole family. Carry out Chinese (much better than last time, so they must have just had an off night).

Thurs: Bulls game! Tacos.

Fri: sausage, onion, peppers hoagies from Appetites.

Sat: enchiladas, beans, rice

With LLD away, and tons to do to get Lulu ready for school and myself ready for my next trip, I may do more carry out than usual this week. And I’ve booked a dinner to celebrate the new school year for Wednesday. So next week’s post may be pretty spartan. Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


Can Mr. MTT help by passing down what you need from the cupboard? My mom had osteoarthritis and a chest freezer in the basement of their house. The arthritis was in her back and she found bending over to reach in the freezer and carrying heavy items was taxing pn her back. So when I would go home to visit I would always ask if she would like me to bring things up from the basement. Maybe a little help in the kitchen would help the knees?


Sounds like you had a successful fishing trip! The Thai beef salad and Finnish salmon soup are going on my bucket list.


Good idea and I’ll try it if this doesn’t improve in the next week. He’s great at setting/clearing dining table and loading/unloading the dishwasher (and putting away the standard stuff…) But doesn’t have a clue where my ingredients, mixing bowls, baking pans, prep utensils are stored so it would take more than a little “coaching”.


Peaches and blue cheese are such a great combination. I love grilled peaches with blue cheese even more.


I had a partial knee replacement a few months before my 44th birthday. It’s a few months older than my adopted son, who was born in 1999. It will eventually need revision/replacement, but it’s still going (relatively) strong now, at age 24!


Sending best wishes for LL’s senior year to all of you (and the college counseling meeting)! What is your upcoming trip? I’ve got to travel vicariously for now and the foreseeable future. Go for the carry out!


Thank you Madrid. I may use your cheerleading as an excuse for carry out! I’m heading to Switzerland. I haven’t done near enough research.


I’ve made the Thai Beef Salad recipe many times. It’s a winner.

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