Way to go Acme! New Jersey

I don’t buy my meat there, but I do buy some staples each week at Acme and I have found their house brand, Signature Select, a good substitute for many name brand items. Yesterday I saw this:


So I had to buy one ( on sale at 3 for $10 ) I’m not sure about the comparisons as I never eat frozen pizza, but it did cook up nicely and it was not bad.

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For the most part so far the signature brand items we’ve picked up are generally better than their name brand equivalents.

BAH HUMBUG!!! I’m glad you enjoyed your Acme/Signature Select pizza but for the most part I despise Acme Supermarkets. Absolutely the bottom of the barrel to me.


I couldn’t agree with you more!


We already have an “Acme sucks” thread going Acme Super Markets in NJ S*ck

Signature Select is a nationwide house brand, I believe.
I suppose Coyote & Roadrunner jokes have probably been told 1000’s of times already.

Friends, this is my friend Eric; I’ve mentioned him many times over the years, and a few of you have met him…he’s a spectacular (trained) chef and an even more spectacular human. He’s also a wealth of food and cooking info–thrilled to see you finally made it over here! MWAH


Welcome Eric nice to have you joining us!

Hey Eric. Good to see you joined! I dined with you, Evie, Eli and Mrs P at chengdu. I saw the pics on your site and they came out great.


Hey Eric,

Last time I saw you was a few years ago at Chengdu 46, I believe.
Are you still consulting for Chengdu 22?

Backstory: Eric and I are actually from the same high school graduating class.


Welcome @Ejebud !

I cooked and mostly ate the pizza. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be, but if this was the winner I’m glad I didn’t eat the losers! :wink:

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