We’ve been visiting Gordon Riggs Garden Centre for what must be over 40 years, ever since a colleague recommended it as a place for good quality, but cheap, plants. Back then, it was just a place to buy plants but, over the years, it’s developed. A recent change, in 2019, was the opening of the Tea Rooms, to complement the cafe across the road in their separate homeware building. It’s about an hours drive from home so this is more an “outing” rather than just popping to a local garden centre. Apart from the “outing”, we hoped to buy houseplants (they have the best range I know) and, of course have some lunch.
Welsh Rarebit for one of us. Two slices of toasted multi-grain bloomer (which needed a tad more toasting for crispness), with a tangy cheddar and English mustard topping mustard and a salad garnish. Red onion chutney or streaky bacon are chargeable extras. Chutney, please.
“Pie of the day” was chicken and leek. Not a “proper” pie with pastry top, bottom and sides but rather a stew with a puff pastry lid. Tasted good, though. Came with chips, mixed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and peas). And a jug of industrial strength gravy.