Wagyu Beef Grilling in Fukuoka

Kyushu beef sizzling over glowing Binchotan charcoal, tall dbl Highball in hand. Seafood/Pork/Chicken at the ready. Yakiniku time!!!

Literally a Mom n’ Pop shop. Poppa San in back of house, Momma San (how he addressed her) effortlessly working the front of the house solo. Momma San was a tad reserved initially. She “warmed up” after we enthusiastically ordered the Family Set for four (we were two) with Highballs and chilled Sakes. We’re here to play!!

Live Fire and Tall Drinks. The Best Appetizer!!

Hokusai ShortRib, Boneless ShortRib, Strip Loin and Veggies.

Freshly shucked Scallops still clinging to the shell, Squid and Prawns.

Kyushu Chicken Thigh Meat, Black Pig Rib and Horumon.

The Binchotan fired up quickly.

The Sake flowed seamlessly, my Japan speak got remarkably better :slight_smile: , Momma San’s English got darn good. Lots of bows and smiles as we gratefully thanked our hosts and ventured forth into the night. Evenings like tonight are why we love Japan!!


Ingredients look great. Any pics of cooked foods?

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Thanks, indeed an impressive feast for the eyes.

Each individual item is best at different times on the grill. We pretty much pop into mouth as soon as ready. No time for nice plating. Only a couple of pics.

Kinda mangled the scallop prying it loose from the shell.


are those hot dogs I spy?

Your mother must have fed you many fish eyes in your youth, your vision is commendable!!!

Those wieners were indeed part of the set, but dressed up as Sausages!! Snappy casing with Porky goodness. No mayo offered.