Updates and running commentary from our critters


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I always thought it was Irish.

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Looks to be all of them. Iā€™ve just read it more in various books featuring a Scotsman.

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Someone is staring at me bc they are starving.

The force field in the door frame and his penchant for subtlety is keeping him just outside the bedroom :smile:




i would never be able to reist that faceā€¦


Iā€™ve been trained well over the years bc otherwise that cat would weigh more than both of us combined ;-D

My PIC bought himself a quilt today, and heā€™d put it down on the coffee table. Chonk was about to get on it so we moved it to the couch.

Guess itā€™s his quilt now :stuck_out_tongue:



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: C;mon - he didnā€™t REALLY think it was going to be his when he bought it, did he?

And the Chonkster has slightly crossed eyes. Didnā€™t realize that!


I have quilts like that. I got mine from Etsy.
They were immediately appropriated.
I should have known.


I have a Polartec blanket from a company I used to work purchased for all employees back in the mid-90s from Landsā€™ End.

The cats are always SO excited when I pull it down from a shelf in the closet to lay on the foot of my bedā€™s comforter to help keep my feet warm in the winter. I come home every night to see it all scrunched up, which means Finnegan worked his way underneath it some time during the day when his FUR-COVERED BODY got too chilled. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, whazzup with that? I have a fleece snoopy blanket that the deadly duo are currently rolled up in. Iā€™m evidently not good enough as a heating pad for their needs.

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Yah, he occasionally gets a little cross-eyed. Part of his charm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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What boxes are to other (normal) cats, blankets are to the chonk. He cannot resist plopping himself on any special soft surface.

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My current two are uninterested in boxes (except as perches). Nor are they interested in brown paper grocery bags, which my very first cat adored. All you had to do is rattle one, and put it on the floor, and sheā€™d come running from regions unknown to install herself in her new cat cave.

But soft stuff, hell yeah. Must be some sort of worldwide cat evolution going on.


As discussed in the Bangkok Thailand 2025 thread, Parker is, indeed, full of mayhem these days. Witness his unbridled crazy upon receiving a new catnip toy earlier this week:


Those eyes. He be trippinā€™ for sure :face_with_spiral_eyes: :grin:


Our late cat The Dude was all over boxes. Youā€™d put one down and heā€™d be in there before you could even utter the word ā€œbox.ā€ I figured all cats were like that (and 99% sure seem to be).

Monkey boy has zero interest in them. Zilch :thinking:

Perfect shot!

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BF took that at the height of Parkerā€™s madness!

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