Updates and running commentary from our critters

It absolutely works! :smile:

I conceded defeat decades ago.


My dog super happy that I’m home. Ready for bed at about 9P.


Nothing better!

Here we see a cat who is only dimly aware of the presence of a salmon filet behind him. He barely even notices it. It has made no impression on him whatsoever.

Fast forward thirty seconds, he’s badgering me so much I had to give him like four bites.


You do realize he was waiting for you to turn around to snag THE. ENTIRE. THING. You foiled his attempts and he had to suffer with only 4 bites.


I know better than to leave a nice piece of fish alone on that low table. I have caught him doing some sampling on more than one occasion.

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Our late cat the Dude was in love with human food. Shish kebabs, roast beef, chicken, salami, and the inside of cream puffs (ask how we know that :smile:).

Chonkster is perfectly fine with the same kibble and wet food every. single. day. It’s def weird, but we certainly don’t mind. The closest he gets to being interested in human food is when I have a cheddar stick. He’s fascinated by the sound of the foil crinkling, and will lick off any tiny cheddar remnants.

The cheddar stick itself will be sniffed, but not eaten. Weirdo.


Our son’s first cat had no experience with people food. It was indeed weird to be handling fish or meat in her presence and have absolutely no reaction from her. I tried to “pill” her by enclosing her med in a. cube of salmon, but she would sniff it and ignore both.

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When the chonkster had pneumonia we had a team of 5 trying to pill him, including our buddy The Cat Whisperer.

Wrapped in a towel and a blanket he still manage to pull a Jacob’s Ladder move and the pill went flying. Every. Single. Time.

Took him to the emergency vet bc of course this was a Sunday. They did it in 2 min & were nice enough not to charge us :smile:


I’ve had cats that wanted to eat whatever you were eating. One was obsessed with melon.

Laszlo is very content with whatever cat food you put in front of him, but there are only a few human foods he likes. Fish, for sure, and milk, and some kinds of cheese (he’s particular). And Cheetos. Everyone loves Cheetos.


Fact. But only the crunchy kind. And please not the flaming hot ones.

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We don’t even try to pill Parker at this point. The vet manages to get us liquid versions and BF performs the grab and squirt honors for the duration of the med run.

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Even trying to squirt liquid meds in that manicky mouth is a challenge! Fingers crossed our boy doesn’t get sick again :wink:


My current boy is like that. Prior cats, and my current girl, have/had strange choices in human food, but they were interested. I’ve given up on asking them why. One loved tomatoes so much that I couldn’t leave any out on the counter. A couple liked cantaloupe. One very neatly consumed a singe rib off a rack of baby back ribs that was resting, post oven, on the counter. And we all know about sticks of butter. At least mine have been polite.


My Buster loved 3 things: he’d push the top off the butter dish and lick the butter - ONLY WHEN IT WAS A FULL STICK. Jerk. Buster also loved bread - I had to put it on top of the fridge, although he pulled a loaf off the top once and chewed through the plastic bag and gnawed off several corners. And if I ever unwrapped a Kraft Single in the kitchen, and he was upstairs? I’d hear a :::THUMP::: on the ceiling above me and he’d come racing down the stairs and skid into the kitchen waiting for a couple of corner pieces.

Bustah-Man was also the reason I got a pet watering fountain - because he was up on my bathroom sink every morning and night to drink the running water.

I miss this little goober so much. :broken_heart:


I forgot about gnawing through bread bags. My current girl did that - until I started using my microwave as a breadbox/safe. And the boy is always with his snout right by the kitchen facet, demanding that I turn it on. I may have to get a fountain. I’ve thought about it.


This girl isn’t capable of counter scavenging. She is also not the sharpest tool in the shed. We are still working on sit. But cute and loving!


I’m not sure, but I don’t think that’s a cat. Some mislabeling going on there.


I just love this thread. Keeps the happy mood going!