Two food-related books I'm loving

I recently finished Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant: A Memoir by Curtis Chin. It’s a perfect blend of food, family, coming of age, and more about growing up in his family’s Detroit restaurant. Loved it.
If you like food and you like books, you will love The Upstairs Delicatessen: On Eating, Reading, Reading About Eating, and Eating While Reading. It’s like having a long wide-ranging conversation with a really smart well-read friend who also loves to eat. I’m trying to enjoy it slowly but it’s really hard.


I enjoyed this.

Cookbook cum memoir.

And I hate cookbooks.


I’m 23rd on the library waiting list for The Upstairs Delicatessen!

Defintely worth the wait! Although I just started the last section, Dinner, and am already feeling sad.

It’s no problem at all. I recently had two floods of reserved books come in, two batches of four or five within a week. I discovered that I could postpone delivery to a later date, and when I did that and worked through the existing pile, I now have only one book out. This book will probably arrive early next year, which is fine.

I’ve had this Firefox tab open for many months. Problem is, I never read books anymore. Early to bed, early to rise, work in between. :upside_down_face:

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No ebook on Libby for Taiwan (they eliminated Overdrive :frowning:

I’m # 50 on the Chin ebook.

35 for Upstairs ebook