Tried Flowers of Vietnam in Detroit, MI last night...

…and was very, very impressed. Granted, it’s early, and basically still in a pop-up state, but what I had was out-stinking-standing, and I’m hungry for it again already.

Oddly, it was a Korean dish that really sparked my interest, but I wasn’t wanting pho at the time, and I really didn’t think I was as hungry as I was. I ended up eating the whole dish of Korean Caramel Chicken Wings, and I’m telling you, they were great. A bit on the expensive side, yes, but worth it. A terrific mix of sweet, sour, and salty by themselves, they’re accompanied by a cooling herb spice-induced mayo (think of cilantro, thai basil, mint, etc. infused in there) that I ended up getting more of. These wings are unapologetically not hot spice-wise, but they come to your seat piping hot from having been in the fryer. They are terrific.

Service was very good, but I was there on their first open Saturday, and it appeared to have been slow as a result. I didn’t mind…I’d rather it be calmer for my visit. I had plenty of water to enjoy with my dish, and afterward, I was treated to an egg cream-topped coffee, of which I loved the egg cream and the cookie that came with it, but still don’t like coffee. Never have, though Haagen-Dazs coffee ice cream will always be welcomed by me. Coffee itself, though? Not so much.

Anyway, I’m going back, and I may be going back tonight! Very impressed.