Top Chef is Coming Back

Firstly, I had no idea there was such a thing, UNESCO city of gastronomy. Secondly, Tuscan isn’t on my radar for that designation! I would have thought New Orleans!

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Didn’t know it was a thing too! Reading up on what it’s about, it’s an interesting take on what they’re looking to recognize and preserve. It is UNESCO after all, so I suppose it makes sense. It’s more about preserving some of the original indigenous and/or cultural/ethnic cooking traditions in that are local to that area. The other US city is San Antonio, so I guess they upped and took the show to Tucson, since the 3 hr drive to San Antonio, TX wouldn’t be that interesting or different from what was already happening in Houston.

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Me neither!



At least the Warriors didn’t disappoint.

I will be happy to see any of the final three win the whole thing (and felt the same about the final four). They’re all clearly very talented, and make great-looking (and sounding) food. I want ro taste all those desserts.


i love that two of the final three are women! And while I will be happy with any of them winning, I’m hoping for Evelyn to take the title. Everything from last night looked and sounded really amazing!

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we’re rooting for Evelyn too!

I like both Evelyn and Buddha. Buddha has had some amazingly creative dishes though.

Sarah had made some impressive dishes, but she has a habit of often plating her dishes to one side of the plate. Yes, that makes me irrationally angry. If you do that every once in a while, that’s fine. She seems to lean on that a lot, and even blamed that for her bad tuna. You’d think that would put an end to that.


Wow! Looks like judge Edward Lee came prepared with his Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.

He wore it well, and I didn’t think it was too over the top!

Congratulations Buddha!

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Sigh. Buddha is fine. :pensive:

I really wanted Buddha to win, but would have been happy with Evelyn too. They both cooked top-notch meals and dishes throughout the competition. Usually I’m a simple and homey presentation kind of gal, but I have to admit to appreciating those who do put in the time to make their foods look pretty. The visual can’t replace actual taste, but if you can marry the two, there are no complaints from me.

I loved that Buddha thought about these little things and he sure did wow me with how certain dishes came out.
EDIT: Plus - who didn’t love or appreciate or get a little emotional about the story of his dad and when he found out about making it on to Top Chef?

I’m sure I would have been happy for him if the Warriors had won. :neutral_face:

I’m glad Buddha won. His food reminded me of the French Laundry. Otherwise, I found the season a bit boring. Hope we have some personalities next time!

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Someone hipped me to the season finale episode of the Pack Your Knives podcast, which has a pretty interesting interview with Sarah, who comes across as quite thoughtful. She says she was pleased to see that the editing portrayed everyone pretty genuinely, she and Buddha have become real close since the show wrapped, and she and Robert knew from early on that Jackson’s senses of taste and smell were compromised but didn’t realize that others didn’t know. Lots about her background, as well as her TC experience.


She was husbands vote for “fan favorite”.

Spoiler alert!

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I think we already have a Top Chef Season 20 thread but I find couldn’t it.