Tony Packo's…

I love a good B&B pickle, but all of the ones at the local Safeway are garbage, so I took the time to make my own which varied, but were pretty good.

But during the pandemic I discovered (don’t really remember how) Tony Packo’s B&B pickles… which are amazing (I order them online from Wal-Mart).

Recently I discovered they are not just a jarred pickles/peppers brand, but actually have a handful of restaurants around Ohio that have been around for decades serving a Hungarian twist on fast food, including Hungarian sausage dogs and supposedly world famous chili.

So has anyone actually hit up one of their restaurants? and if so, how was it? Online reviews are pretty much 5 stars, and I’m curious about their chili sauce.

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As I recall, Corporal Klinger was a big fan of Tony Packo’s chili. I’ve thought about ordering it. :smile:


I do love Tony Packo’s pickles. If you ever get a chance, try Sechler’s pickles from St. Joe Indiana. Their sweet hot mix is delicious. They also make an interesting candied orange spear that I like to serve on a relish tray at Thanksgiving.

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Is this the one you you mean?

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Yes! I am able to buy it at my Mother’s Kroger grocery store when I go home to Columbus, Ohio from New England. We lived in St. Joe, Indiana when I was a kid. The product has never changed and is such a treat.


I went to Tony Packo’s in Toledo. I have nothing good to say about it. It thrives in a food wasteland.