The Great British Hummus Crisis

Or houmous as I , and most supermarkets, spell it. . How will we manage now it’s been swept off the supermarket shelves (well, other than getting the processor out, along with a can of chickpeas, some tahini, garlic,cumin and lemon.

The BBC report on the end of the world as we know it.

I’m particularly taken by the tweet which reads “If the Lib Dems don’t make the hummus crisis a centrepeice of the campaign, they don’t really care about Remainers”.

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Dire Straits might say “money for nothing and chicks for peas.”


Luckily you can make guacamole out of peas and hummus out of anything …

or so edamame hummus, beet hummus, eggplant hummus et al would have you believe.

Fearnley-Whittingstall has a number of “alternative” houmous recipes in “River Cottage Everyday” and “Veg Everyday”.