The cost of mulled wine

Stay at home and wait it out. Nobody is safe until everybody is safe.

Frau Merkel (Mare-kale, not “Mer-Col”) made an emotional plea yesterday.

"I’m sorry, I really am sorry from the bottom of my heart, but if the price we pay is 590 deaths a day then that is unacceptable in my view".

An abomination this drink, not to mention the vile smell. I can’t run fast enough. I have enjoyed all the Christmas-New year holidays in Germany.

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Gee, I enjoy it and look forward to snaps of weather cool enough to make it here in Florida.

I have to shake my heads though…they’re worried about a wine stand in Köln (still one of my favorite cities)…meanwhile here in Florida there are entire streets full of bars full of maskless revelers.

Mare-kl, if you want to be picky. Definitely not kale. :slight_smile:

I don’t know… I thought mulled wine was pretty nice… You wouldn’t want to use up the best wine making it, that’s for sure, but … Maybe what I had once was very special? I didn’t get that impression.

Mulled wine is fortunately very easy to make at home. And while this wouldn’t really fly with traditionalists, I once had hot mulled Manischevitz and it was really good–the heat and the spices cuts through the sweetness.

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It’s not meant to be made with good stuff…I heard a persistent rumour in France that whatever Beaujolais Nouveau was untouched in November was made into bin chaud die the marchés de Nöel in December.

I have lots of happy memories of wandering the marchés with a warm cup of fragrant vin chaud.

I know–it’s just that Manischevitz isn’t usually turned into a Christmas drink. :wink:

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