The Brothers Sun on Netflix

The Brothers Sun is a new series on Netflix. It has just one season. Starring Michelle Yeoh and an almost fully Asian cast. It is a thriller set mainly in Los Angeles. Despite it mainly being a crime thriller I absolutely love how food is almost a character itself with delicious Asian food featuring in pretty much every episode and a lot of key scenes. Even in the last scene a character shouts at people to hurry up as there is a reservation at a restaurant they are keen not to be late for. I looked up the restaurant and it is one of the best restaurants in Taipei. I would love to discuss the foodie aspects of this series in this thread if anyone else has watched it.


It’s an awfiul watch, with a capital “A”

So, the show wasn’t for you.

Do you find sharing this to be a helpful contribution to the OP’s request discussing the show’s culinary aspects?


I’m going to disagree with @ipsedixit. We binged it over three days, and now hope for a second season. There are still some details we haven’t figured out, but the intersection of food and fight scenes had me hooked. Michelle Yeoh is a Tiger Mom I would not want to piss off, and I loved Chairleg’s quest for the perfect churro recipe. IMO, it could have had even more food, but I understand that doing so may take it too far into a niche market the producers would have wanted to avoid. And I really wanted to hear the full “tea leaves” story, but I fear it’s a lot like Marlon’s mollusk joke in “Finding Nemo” or whatever’s in Marcellus’ briefcase: a Macguffin and nothing more.

I came for the all Asian cast. I stayed for the food and fighting.


I’ll have to check it out, but will make sure to have eaten well beforehand, lest it trigger any cravings :wink:


I loved this series - lots of action, family dynamics, Michelle Yeoh, food. I have to say some of it was a little too gory for me, but that’s what eyelids are for! I hope there will be another season.


On the subject of frying/baking of cakes and cookies in the show:

I also liked the churro obsession! And I think Bruce described churros to Charles as Spanish you tiao or cinnamon sugar you tiao? And it was funny how the Great British Bake Off was playing in the background of some scenes.

What were the little square cookies that Charles was baking? And what were the decorative buns with colourful designs that were wheeled out at the end of the banquet where the Dragon Head was being elected?

It was cute how Charles named his bakery Xiao Pang Pang.