The Big Fat Nostalgia Thread For All

As a kid, I always loved those cloverleaf carousels with 4 salad dressings. I remember thousand Island always included but they may be a middle of the country option.
Better yet, when one got a baked potato,
It would come with the same carousel filled with sour cream, butter, bacon bits, and green onions.
I knew even as a kid that we were someplace special.


Another endangered species. We’re pretty ecumenical though – if there’s duck, however prepared, on the menu, odds are high that’s dinner.

Remember when Polynesian restos were a thing, with the waterfalls, fake storms, and all that? Flaming pupu platters that were usually pretty bad, and lots of sweet food? I loved it all anyway, but was underage in the era, soooo no tiki drinks for me. But I always thought the glassware and coconut drinking vessels were way cool. I still like them. :tropical_drink::hibiscus:

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There’s an inn near me that still delivers Andes mints with the check. Come to think of it, they also serve a simple dish of ice cream . . . but they have such fabulous pastry chefs, I am never tempted to order ice cream.

These are making a comeback in PA and NJ. One I read of was using an inflatable screen, but the other movie theater owner went all-out with a permanent screen and projector setup. No snack bars, of course, but for $35 a car you can bring as many folks as you can fit in the car and bring your own snacks and beverages. Apparently he sells out most nights and plans to keep it in place after his indoor theater reopens.

I’ve been watching Second City TV on You Tube. Here’s a favorite, Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up,

She blowed up good, real good.


After watching that, I’m trying to decide if slurricane is good stuff or bad stuff.:slightly_smiling_face:


Depends on whether you’re in for the night.


It’s at home only.

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House of Prime Rib on Van Ness? It’s still there…


Retro meal last night, also posted on WFD. In honor of one of my oldest friend’s b-day yesterday. Recreated what we used to eat after skipping lunch/school, at a fav drive-in with car hops!! In her BF’s baby blue Jag XKE, as mentioned up thread. Yes, he let her drive it, and we ate in it too! Onion rings, fresh banana milkshakes, and pepperoni mushroom pizza. It never varied, and was soooo good! Place is still there, but don’t know about the car hops. Anything possible in age of corona…


Not a concern for me. You seem to be a very responsible person.

Especially at Fawlty Towers::slightly_smiling_face:


Yes! What a hoot that was! We ended up there quite by accident - we had reservations at Star, I think, and they could not accommodate my husbands food allergy (1996). That place was such a throwback. The prime rib in the carts - seconds if you wanted. The baked potato toppings - oh my!!!

I happen to catch a food series that discussed German sausage history and the Oscar Mayer touring bus footage was included; brought me back to my OM bus experience the year I was involved with Special Olympics and got to ride the hotdog a few hours around NJ. It was a great time and brought a lot of smiles.

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Another fun food memory from wayback is the Tree Tavern pizzas Mom would buy to coincide with being allowed to watch a movie in the den eating this pizza on the floor. Usually a big NO all other times.


This reminds me of date night. We didn’t have much disposable income growing up and babysitters were expensive. My parents had date night at home. Dad would lug the TV (“the” TV) upstairs and we’d eat dinner in front of the TV while my parents had their date downstairs. We took turns between my room and my sisters. The shows distracted from the food. That was a good thing.


Sorry, I don’t see the correlation in our respective memories. We loved that crazy arse frozen pizza and anything our Mom allowed. Took many years later to appreciate other, more delicious foods.

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Tuna melt on Thomas’ English muffins. Just indulged.


Pizza on TEMuffins made in the toaster oven was the after school treat sometimes. I can’t recall if we used homemade sauce or jarred; probably both.

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That reminds me of weekend nights when Mom, Dad, Brother and I would play poker or Tripoli and eat Totino’s Pizza.

We played for money so a 10ish year old could pocket 5 bucks or so on a good night.

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