Thanksgiving, Baby!

I had a similar experience last Thanksgiving. I was helping a friend cook the meal. The night before another dear friend passed. So the hostess just invited his family to join us. We had to scramble to up the amounts of food to prepare. In the end I was so glad we included them in the holiday. The meal became a time of sharing great memories of Charles and really helped his family. We were all sharing funny memories and laughing and weeping some also. But it made such a great memory for me of caring and sharing, probably the best THanksgiving I have ever had. I hope you are able to create an event like this for your family. My sympathy for your loss.


“Baby” is offensive. I am an adult. I don’t appreciated to be called a “baby”. Please lock this thread or delete it. It is offensive. :smiling_imp:

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Thanks NotJr, believe me there will be Thanksgiving and, after the initial shock, mom is a willing participant. Tomorrow we get the turkey and fixings (after the fridge is repaired) , Wed morning is the funeral and then home to prep for the big day. There will be a big fire in the fireplace and lots of cocktails even if the menu will be relativey limited. And there will be a chocolate pie in a chocolate crust with mint whipped cream (for the kids, of course :yum:


Thanks joiei. I’m glad to hear about your memorable Thanksgiving and am hoping ours will be a great Thanksgiving as well.

Zip it btch! (Hey I didn’t call you baby!!! This is of course a joke, I am not calling my fellow funion a btch. Please do not flag this post, keep moving nothing to see here.)


Thank you guys for the much needed laugh!!!

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I will drive up to my folks house the day before and have a nice dinner with them and my brother and help prepare the feast. It will be the calm before the storm we expect 25 to sit for dinner and 40 guests total over the course of the evening so some quality time with just my family is appreciated. Thanksgiving day tends to be a total sh*tshow.

Black Friday the one thing I won’t do is go shopping except for maybe a visit o Zachy’s to see if they have anygood deals although they have not had such good Black Friday sales as they used to recently then the drive back home to relax and make turkey stock and bring the dogs their TG bounty from “grandma”

Hey everyone…I’m about to head out for a long holiday weekend, just wanted to wish all of you and your families a very Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!! Eat, drink, live well and be happy my friends. All the best my fellow funions!!


See you. Funion J.


Have a great one!! Hey, I thought we were HO’s!

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We discussed a lot of things, but I’m not sure we ever found a consensus! :smile:

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NotJ and I are Funions. You guys can be anything you like. :sunglasses:


I’d rather be a funion than a HO.


Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Funions (I like that better than HO)


Happy Thanksgiving to all. Let’s be thankful :v:


Happy Thanksgiving, Yanks (yes, that means all of you south of me)

seething with jealousy at the meals I’m imagining being consumed. :poultry_leg:


Don’t forget the booze.


So, I’m exhausted but satisfied. The funeral on Wednesday, which I thought would be relatively brief (cremation, so no cemetary portion), was a marathon. The lines were so long that the service–scheduled for 11:00 (we arrived at 10:00)–started at 1:00. The “luncheon” didn’t end until 5:00. Quick trip to Wegmans on the way home to reduce preps.

I bought mixes for pumpkin bars and a pre-made chocolate pie crust. Made those desserts first thing in the morning and filled the pie crust with a mint chocolate mousse mix. Not ideal, but some years are like that. Popped the turkey in the oven. Prepped the asparagus and green beans.

Started with cheese, crackers, fruit, nuts and crudites (thanks niece and NIL). Dinner was turkey, green beans, roasted asparagus, corn (thanks sis & BIL), mashed potatoes (also thanks sis & BIL), stuffing (NIL’s moist & delicious family recipe). Mom made the gravy as only she can. We all forgot the dinner rolls. I didn’t really miss them.

There was Riesling, Pinot Noir and Merlot. A selection of PA/Autumnal beers. Apple and cranberry martinis. Jamesons and Makers Mark. And apple cider for the kids.

Lessons learned? Even with a tightly compressed schedule and fewer dishes than usual, there is always too much food on Thanksgiving. A family can survive on grocery-store chopped fruits and veggies. Desserts from mixes satisfy kids as much as homemade. No seafood? No lasgna? We lived.

The most important lesson was what we were all thankful for: family–even those who are gone are still with us. There was a roaring fire, food and drink, laughs and tears, hugs and kisses.

And who knew an excellent, previously undiscovered, stuffing recipe married into the family?


Well done. Years of food geekery paying off when it counts.