Texas Politician Embroiled in "Grubgate"

Politician being accused of routinely stealing photos of Mexican food from other social media accounts and passing them off as her own cooking.

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Photo theft is rampant everywhere online. In some countries I’ve seen photos of food on the walls or menus with watermarking or names of sites etc still embedded.

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"In a text message on Wednesday, Flores said it wasn’t her “intention to mislead.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :::Deep breath::: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"She also changed her handle on X amid the criticism and has been blocking people on social media throughout Tuesday and Wednesday who have accused her of falsely passing the photos of cooking off as her own.

“The George Santos of the [Rio Grande Valley],” wrote the campaign for U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-McAllen, who Flores is currently challenging."

Blocking people because of criticism sounds like she’s using a certain playbook. The George Santos reference is perfect (although his transgressions were egregiously worse).


I often wonder why people do what they do… What was the end goal in her posting pics (that weren’t hers) and taking credit for them??
Does she think her constituents are worried she isn’t cooking for her family?? Are they concerned if she stops off and picks up a pre-roasted chicken on the way home??
I really don’t care what my politicians are eating, just don’t raise my taxes to do it.


Social Media attention.


Being a good cook, especially Tex Mex, carries a lot of weight in Texas. Looks good on a politician’s resume.


Whether she cooks or not is immaterial to me. Passing off the work of others as her own, though, speaks to her character. I hope that matters to the voters of Texas and they see it that way, too.


“There’s no such thing as bad publicity” seems to be the position of many politicians these days.

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Have you taken a look at the people they’re electing in Texas?

“Character” only seem to count if you’re openly and derisively cruel to the right sort of folks.