TACO BELL was great pre-90's formerly on ChowHound

I was going to tell you where one is, in case you have a masochistic streak and are for some reason planning on flying all the way to NYC to have awful Mexican, but alas, it is closed. You dodged a bullet, there!


I don’t mind El Torito! LOL


We had a Chevy’s for a while.
No lack of Mexican places of all stripes here in our valley.
So Chevy’s closed and became an Olive Garden.
Not many Italians in these parts so the OG is still going great guns. :slight_smile:

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Oh I see. I get crucified for “generalizing”. Yet others can do so. Do as I say, not as I do seems to be the rule here. Why am I not surprised. And just for the record, I would never had pointed this out if I were not attacked for doing the same thing. I feel like I stumbled upon the break room at the ivory towers of academia where the down nose lookers get giddy speaking with elaborate words about the peasants. Yes I speak up. Now attack me again please. Use those Harvard degrees.

Hilarious again :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the entertainment.

Chip, meet shoulder. Or should that be… Dr. Shoulder?


Typical and expected. Nothing new.

Currently watching the History Channel. Looks like they’re doing a marathon of “The Food that Built America.” Just starting is the “Beyond the Burger” episode, which will apparently highlight the growth of Taco Bell. Should be interesting?


I’d think it’s fair to generalize about non-Italian Americans enjoying OG and keeping OG in business in Oregon. Non-Italian Americans enjoy Macaroni Grill in Colorado Springs.

Olive Garden is successful because of the non-Italian Americans who love it.

(If you’re going to use being crucified as a metaphor, could you wait another week before you use it? This Catholic with Italian godparents would appreciate it)


I’m Catholic as well. Sicilian. Had god parents. Am a god parent. Father worked for Joe Bonanno. Started as a numbers runner at 12. Then became an Enforcer (Bill collector for the laymen). I will stop there.
People pick and choose on this playfield. No uniformity.

No one wants to fight here except for you.
Friction isn’t fun and games.


I don’t feel like fighting, but remember it was not I who started the personal attacks. Look back who did, it was not me. Then the group joined in. When I get attacked for talking in my own way, I will respond accordingly. I know bullies, trust me on that. Let others speak freely without critiquing their views or everything they say. Many here chastise, berate and reprimand people who don’t act exactly like them. The “tolerant” are the most intolerant of all.

I’m pretty sure this is the greatest thread in the history of the internet. Thanks everyone.


That’s either the funniest thing I read today or the most damning judgment of the internet I’ve read lately.




You need to get out more.

Perhaps your local Taco Bell maybe?


I have a free taco award I got recently, I’d be happy to offer it up to anyone here haha!

@gaffk yes why not both! :slight_smile:


I suppose both are, unfortunately, true :dizzy_face:

And I’ll let @ipsedixit have the free taco. I’ve never eaten at TB and don’t see why I’d start now. However, I am now thinking of changing plans for this evening–I was thinking stir fry, but maybe I’ll pivot to fajitas?


Mostly, this thread is making me crave Taco Bell. I also want to try French Tacos.

  • Taco Bell
  • Brick N Cheese French Tacos
  • Korean Tacos

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Hmmm . . .I like tacos. I like french fries. But together?

I’ve never been in to fries on a sandwich (I’m from Philly, not Pittsburgh :wink: Now a Lebanon bologna on rye practically begs for chips in it.

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