(Keyrock the unfrozen caveman lawyer; your world frightens & confuses me)
I guess this is another example of affluenza, if most stores (outside of affluent areas) don’t teach their employees to do this.
Edit - but I’m going to argue my own supposition. I grew up in the rust belt and still visit sometimes. i don’t think any of those podunk stores in small towns mix their slicers, either.
Oh, Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
Who was very rarely stable
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
Who could think you under the table
David Hume could out-consume
Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel
I generally use the self check out - because I can pick-scan-bag in a sensible order.
avoiding the applesauce packed on top of the potato chips, et. al. . . .
absolutely years ago I suggested to the (then) manager they have a different beep tone at adjacent stations. the beeps are all the same - more than once I-think-I-scanned, heard the beep, put it in the bag only to be greeted by "Scan all Items . . . "
. . . . no joy.
the self-scan at Weis is the same brand and essentially identical to Giant, but it has different ‘options’ programmed in.
“Select your language” - really? why is that info not stored in my ‘preferred shopper’s profile’ I just entered?
“Check for any remaining items under cart” - really?
“Select your payment method:” - it won’t take your card swipe/tap until you choose . . .
avoid self-check out lanes with puzzled users . . . a big amen! to that one.
I’ll take note of the brand next trip - but after you ‘log in’ with phone or customer card, anything that goes on the weight scale will produce an error message - here it works to just take it off then punch the “Use my own bag” button followed by entering number of own bags on the scale area.
I have the PLU’s noted in my (computerized) shopping list - but failing that I’ve found ‘look up by name’ much faster.
the shelf tags used to have the PLU - they stopped doing that… so my ‘look it up’ tasks have increased.
Speaking of produce sprinklers, yesterday I got a bunch of spinach and had to shake off a quarter cup of water before I bagged it. It was priced by the bunch, but I can imagine a not insignificant amount of marginal profit supermarkets make from selling water on produce by the pound.