Supermarket Pet Peeves

You’re not alone, I enjoy grocery shopping.


Consider yourself lucky, WCG!

I would hate this and I’m not even disabled.


Ugh, this annoys me too! Bad enough with all the random cart replacements in the parking area, but this is just plain thoughtless and I see it all the time. I try to push the carts away and into an area that the cart retriever can grab. I don’t understand why people do this at all – isn’t it more work to push it up off the ground??


I was at Walgreen’s yesterday and some genius left a car in the middle of a handicap parking space. I pushed it inside.

I think leaving carts outside of a designated corral is anything from annoying to dangerous, but think whoever designs the space bears some responsibility. Quite the risk -benefits juggle! Complaints
about parking vs complaints about convenient corrals. Glad it’s not me.

I always park with the corrals in mind. The Costco near me seems to have it just right.


No it was not a car I pushed inside but a cart.


I can’t stand also. Just lazy people . Runaway carts = door dings on your auto. I don’t understand why this concept hasn’t been implemented yet . When I was in Germany you would put money into the shopping cart stall to get a shopping cart . When you returned it to the stall you would get your money back . Apparently this is way to hard .


These days some shopping trolleys don’t have coin slots. People just bring them back to the spot that the trolleys are parked. It’s the mentality that needs changing. That’s why I like visiting countries like Japan and Taiwan. The mentality is different there. Respect for the law/rules, respect and dignity for others. Everything is orderly and clean (and presentable)! Especially in Japan. Someone will clean up a mess even though it’s not them who causes it.

In Germany you can read small print on packages!


Wheelchair users can attach the trolleys directly to the chairs. (Also in Germany)


Yesterday I went to my local Stop and Shop which they have been renovating and reorganizing for the last month. Now they are almost done and every aisle has a beautiful new sign hanging from the middle stating what’s in that aisle. EXCEPT - a few items listed on one side and a few different ones listed on the other. So depending on which direction you are coming from, you may or may not find what you are looking for!


I don’t know if you’re referring to the one in N Quincy off Newport, or if Stop and Shop is going through a re-shuffle at many of their local stores. I’m so constantly lost and confused now in the North Quincy store. :expressionless: I know the produce at the start, and the frozen stuff at the end, and the meats/dairy along the side, but I am constantly walking down the wrong aisles. This has disrupted my shopping routine, and I’m feeling very inefficient at grocery shopping these days

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Deliberately done, @kobuta. They WANT you walking all of the other aisles in case there’s a product that magically jumps into your cart. :wink:


It’s amazing how often various Milano cookies jump into mom’s cart :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No, actually I’m in Westchester, NY. But it is very confusing shopping now!

So they really are just trying to screw up our shopping nationally.

@gaffk - for me, its chips and ice-cream that are magnetized and attach to my cart when I check out.


Word from family in Narragansett RI is that Stop and Shop has suspended curbside pickup.

Meanwhile in my neck of the woods Giant Food, owned by the same company as Stop and Shop, has upped their game. More time slots, shorter (better) cut-off times, more spaces in the parking lot, more staff. Very happy with Giant here in Maryland. Not impressed with Stop and Shop.

You can usually get cash back on a debit card. You can often get it back with a Discover credit card.

As for me, even though I’m north of 70 (well north) ie not a millennial, I use Apple pay for everything possible, and even try to avoid stores that don’t accept. Fast, easy, far more safe and secure than any other method (are you listening to me Mr. Cash?), just superior in every way. JMHO.

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In my opinion, grocery stores should not be re-arranging the locations of their products in a pandemic. People need to get in and out of them ASAP and wandering around the isles looking for where the hell did they move the tuna fish is so irresponsible. Like there is going to be a whole lot of impulse buying going on now.

I impulse buy on Amazon.


I see a lot of complaining about shelf placement. I worked in retail over 30 years and the tuna that was moved yesterday will still be in the same new place over a year from now.

Stores don’t move product around to confuse shoppers, it’s for profit, no profit no store. Buy Amazon, but I’m getting tired of their trucks blocking the streets.


We depend on Amazon where we are. Very remote seasonal rural. UPS is our friend. I understand the stores move product for profit. Just an irresponsible time to be doing that as far as I’m concerned.

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