Supermarket Pet Peeves

@winecountrygirl - Hehe. My local Stop & Shop stopped providing the regular plastic bags 2 weekends ago and is now brown paper bag only. I don’t mind the shift to a more recyclable option, but they have no handles. I don’t drive to my grocery store, so this is a new peeve for me. Paper bags with handles do exist! Stores, help your customers out!

@bbqboy - One of the unintended consequences of the pandemic would be being buried in plastic bags because all the recycling bins were gone. I reuse the bags for trash, but I had so many of the other plastic bags from packaging, shipping air bubbles, etc. Thankfully the handle-less bag supermarket did at least put their recycling bins for bags back out. It was satisfying to rid myself finally of a giant canvas tote of overflowing plastic bags.


Thanks for the idea!

I’ve been looking for something crafty to do. This may just be the thing! I really like the idea of using plastic bags for something more than cleaning the cat’s litter box. I may just have to try this.

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Google “plarn” (as in plastic yarn). The reward-to-effort ratio is way  too low for my yarn-crafting taste, but it does  have Minor Cult status…

Upon further reflection, I think it’s not so much the “lunch-iness” (much less the savoriness) of the food at the sort of places I have in mind, as the undue emphasis on their idea of “sophisticated” or “fancy” “lightness”. I mean, pork vindaloo or steak frites would be delightful, as would an omelet (which I don’t consider “breakfast food” per se anyway) or a nice Croque Monsieur. But a couple of whole small trout or half a dozen minor variations on Eggs Benedict? Not so much… (And yes, I have one particularly memorable experience in mind, when having been down that road too many times before, I asked to see the menu before I sat down - which featured the aforementioned trout front and center, then politely handed the menu back, saying I’d come back some other day for a “regular” meal, and left for greener pastures…:grin:)


I’ve never crocheted so I have no idea how much effort it takes. The Sprout, who is the crafty, artistic one in the family, tells me you can do it without a hook, so I’ll have no monetary investment, just time.

Let me know if you need any advice. Pretty sure there are YouTubes or other tutorials on it @MsBean. The resulting bags are so strong, I’m quite sure you could lug a refrigerator home in one. :upside_down_face:

My mother never, ever, once in her life, returned a shopping cart to a cart corral or store. I had no idea it was a thing until I got my arse chewed out either here or on Chowhound some years back. I think it was Chowhound, being quite a long time ago. I did put the cart where it wouldn’t be in the way of somebody’s parking or roll into a car, but I completely changed my tune and began using the cart corrals every single time. I am now a good citizen of the parking lot.


I was in the the hospital a couple of times last year and needed physical therapy to regain mobility.

As I was getting better I would go to the store, any store, and was happy to find a nearby cart in the handicap parking to help me navigate my way around.

I’m much better but still leave the carts where I find them, somebody might need one.


I was hesitant to +1 your post today because I honestly don’t think there was any reason to apologize, but I did anyways for support. You bring up valid points all the time. I don’t see any evidence of what I consider snarling or churlish behavior. We’ve all got opinions and even more so nowadays.:slightly_smiling_face: Sometimes an online community like HO is the best way to blow off a little steam. Well, just wanted let you know how I feel. For what it’s worth, you’re ok in my book.


You often write what I’m thinking. So thanks for keeping it real. This country is suffering in so many ways, how can we not be feeling it?!


I’ve never tried either, but I’ve heard of finger- and arm-knitting, but not crochet, and am not quite sure how that would work. But in theory it should certainly be possible… But crochet hooks are cheap and the basic mechanics of crocheting aren’t hard at all. Some people take to one or the other more quickly, but in general, I’d say crochet demands less hand-eye coordination than knitting…

The effort involved in working with “plarn” mostly comes into play from having to cut the bags into thin, relatively even strips before you even start working with it, twisting it enough to make it work-able, and having to join-in new pieces every couple of feet (of cord/plarn). And it’s very inelastic, which is easier to deal with in crochet than knitting, but still, not especially pleasant experience…

I would love to be able to recycle the plastic bags my newspaper sometimes come in. Can’t use those for garbage bags, unfortunately.

Speaking of HCP (no, I don’t have one) but this subject came up several years ago on an online forum. One guy said that he had a HCP permit but if he saw there were only a couple of spots up front he would leave them for others who needed them more than he did. So he would park in the regular section thinking he was doing the right thing right? Wrong. They came out of the woodwork blaming him for taking up their parking spots. Sometimes you can’t win for losing.


I keep some for travel - I put my shoes in them

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I still use my placard because all I need is some moron parking two inches from my door then it will take a week for me to climb over the console, handicap spaces are much larger.

My doctor gave me total disability.

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Thank you!

Apology accepted, though I must admit I’m not sure what exactly the apology is directed at. Frankly speaking I don’t have the time or energy to search out post(s) you feel the need to apologize for but since it hasn’t been flagged (to my knowledge) I"m going to assume it couldn’t have been that bad so all is good.

“I woke up this morning almost overwhelmed by the thought of how blessed I and my family have been”

You did catch me with this line though, I will admit I too am guilty (very) of neglecting my gratitude for the blessings in my life as well. I think all of us have a tendency to do this, focus too much time and energy on our life’s shortcomings while completely overlooking all the blessings.

So let me thank you for the reminder to refocus my own lens of life. Keep in mind if you ever do need a friendly ear to listen to you, you’ve got one (if not more) here. So please feel free to reach out if you ever feel the need to vent about something, anything in the future.

Be well,


Here is a pic of a recycled plastic shopping bag, made by my friend. She’s mainly a quilter and fabric artist, so I’m not familiar with her crocheting style, nor do I recognize any stitches, really.

It’s my understanding that she lays the bags flat, and cuts them into strips, while leaving them in loops; when she adds another loop, she doesn’t knot, just works it in. I’ll ask her. She enjoys this activity, and acts like she’s hit the jackpot when I give her my stash of bags.



Thank you for your kind reply.

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Luckily I have plenty of time these days to fill with possibly fruitless projects.

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