Strawberries in Metrowest MA

Wilson Farm in Lexington has their Strawberry Fest this weekend. Yesterday I picked up a large container of their berries for $9.99. It appears to be more than two quarts and is a great value if you like to make jam or freeze some for later.

Sorry for the blurry picture. This is after I gave more than a pint to a friend. Strawberry shortcake for Sunday breakfast!


Just to report back. The berries were a little bland. Last year’s berries were significantly more flavorful. Still tasty with warm biscuits and fresh cream!

We bought some strawberries yesterday from Kimballs at the Union Square market. Small, but intensely flavored berries.$8 for a quart. Five of us sat outside, small dishes of sugar available and at them all, throwing the stems into the planting beds. A little tart and a true strawberry flavor. Worth every penny.


I wonder if that was the drought. I know the dry-farmed tomatoes I used to get out in CA had significantly more flavor than even good farmers market tomatoes.


Sounds like summery heaven!

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Good point. We did have abundant rain this spring and very little last year, so that could be the difference. THe dry-farming makes a huge difference in wine production, too.

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I bought some berries about 10 days ago from Nourse farms in Westborough, and they were similarly lacking in flavor. I returned a few days ago to see if they had improved with the warm weather, and they were beautiful, but bland. I decided not to spend the $7/quart…but I had suspected this would be the case this year, with all the cool, wet weather. Too much water + little sun = uninspired strawberries. :frowning:


Verrill Farms’s pick your own is in full swing. It’s definitely not the cheapest way to get strawberries (organic on sale at whole foods for $2.50/quart) but you can’t beat the experience.