I have bought several old stock Sabs for my son in law from Bernal, a twelve inch slicer and a ten inch chef. Their vintage knives are, so far, awfully nice. I suppose I am one of those aspirants. They also carry some otherwise hard to find brands, Au Sabot in particular, that I really like. I had not really checked the rest of Garrett Wade.
Great. I’ve put Bernal at the top of my list.
Bob Tate, a student of sharpening under Bob Kramer, used to have a really solid, curated collection of uncommon vintage CS knives. I liked to shop at his Seattle shop, because you could handle/fondle the wares. Tate’s moved to Montana and I from Seattle, so Bernal is a welcome suggestion.
Ha. For me, that was the last time I wore a watch. Serious.
(To the extent you can consider the “JD” a “doctorate” - as you know it’s not a research doctorate, just a professional degree.)
This was the research one. As I recall, I got a dinner out for the JD.
I had gotten married and left the state promptly after I graduated from law school. There was not graduation celebration, but I got a bottle of Krug '66 when I passed the bar. The ABD experience was not worth celebrating.
Very happy with these knives available at Lee Valley. https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/kitchen/knives-and-cutlery/knives/table-knives/70129-le-thiers-bistro-knives
I am searching for steak knives marked Pallares after using them in a Paris bistro that served the most wonderful food such that I dragged my family back to eat there again during our one week stay. They had natural colored wooden handles and a most simple design. They were not exceptionally sharp or functional, but the memory of the trip and the meals at that venue would be valued. So far eBay has yielded only hunting knives with this mark.
I like the style and storage of these knives. I have mixed experience with serrated steak knives. A couple serrated examples have been excellent and others have been mediocre. I suppose I have similar experiences with non serrated steak knives though.
I looked a bit harder tonight after posting earlier and have found a few sources to buy them. Yay!
For anyone else wondering where to find them, Bernal Cutlery and Flotsam and Fork are good sources. The knives are from Spain.
Yes, it is an old thread. I succumbed to the Au Sabot Paris table knife at Flotsam and Fork. They are absolutely perfect (for me). $19 per knife and $14+ for seconds.
I followed your lead and got these. They are perfect. They arrived today, complete with slices of a wine cork defending the tips. Ditched my (admittedly cheap) serrated ones (that I rarely used anyway).
So glad you like them. I have enjoyed everything from Flotsam and Fork. Tonight they will cut sirloin, cooked in a pan.
Tonight I will make a small fillet with shallots in the pan sauce. I suspect it will hardly need a knife at all.
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Did you get the imperfect ones at a discount? Wondering the degree of cosmetic flaws I should expect vs. buying first quality.