Spindly tomatoes

I grew some tomato seeds, two kinds, on a heat mat under a grow light. They’ve just got their second set of true leaves, and I’m wondering if I can bury them deeper now. They don’t quite stand up by themselves, but bend to greet the sunrise and sunset. I may have been too slow to put them in full sunlight, I’m acclimating them (too) slowly so they dont’ burn up.

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Just saw this, so maybe too late, but I still think you can always bury them deeper. I have some in containers for three weeks that I am hoping to “hill up” this weekend.


Thanks! it’s supposed to hit 100 degrees next week so I’ll bury them up and keep my fingers crossed.

insufficient light - artificial lights are not really a good match for Mother Nature.

as to burying the deeper - absolutely. they will put out roots all along the buried stem…but note - not so much “deeper” as “same depth just longer.”
I would intentionally cut off the lower branches to get a longer stem so I could do a
‘long’ garden transplant - the increased root mass methinks made for a stronger plant/crop.

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Update- I transplanted the tomatoes, they looked droopy at first but now look pretty darn good- just in time for the temps to go triple digit. They have a screen enclosure over them. I don’t expect anything from them except growth for a while. Or at least that they don’t die.

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Well done!

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