Sonoma Cnty: Chron lists "One of the best" sammies

The Chron today celebrated “The Works” sandwich from The Farmers Wife. I was happy to see that owner Kendra Kolling gave credit to Full Circle Baking Co./Penngrove.

We became aware of Full Circle via Yanni’s Grill, just a short distance from the bakery. John uses Full Circle’s rolls for his amazing pressed-bread grilled sausage sandwiches. We were so wowed by the bread, we asked where he got it and he sent us down the street!

Full Circle does a thriving business at farmers markets and supplying many restaurants, but they do also sell at their bakery location. Hours are limited, and noted on their Facebook page:

In the many discussions about bread, Full Circle almost never seems to come up. I hope this article helps give them the credit they deserve.

The SF Chron article is here: