Some of these are too crazy

Warning. Do not look at these on a full stomach. Lol, nah, not that barfy, but some are …


Mostly horrifying, though I personally was excited about the Red Hot Goldfish crackers and did eat a bag. They were quite hot, pretty intense to eat on their own but would be good in a mix. I would also try the wasabi Doritos and extra toasty Cheez-its. I’m sure I’ve seen the latter at Grocery Outlet, could take one for the team if they’re still there :wink:


I can’t believe they are hating on Extra Toasty Cheez-It Crackers.


Pickled onion flavour are a classic & I even enjoy the roast beef flavour, but this…


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Pickled onion is one of my favourites. But this vanilla? Abomination.


This is why we can’t have nice things.
Although like others, I am pro wasabi-flavoured savoury snacks and extra-toasty cheese-its, because those are natural progressions of the snacks in question.


They were awful. I used to work for a food logistics company and a rep bought some samples in. I had to try, just to see. We used to get reps coming in with all sorts. Working there was one of the reasons I stopped eating lamb shanks at pubs o, unless I knew the place well but that’s a different story.


Wasabi peas have long been a favorite here, as has truffle-flavored potato chip dip.


The Salted Caramel thing has jumped the shark. Oreos, Bailey’s.

I tried Tzatziki Triscuits and Nanaimo Bar Aero (chocolate bar) this year. Both awful.

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A lot of people dip their french fries in milkshakes - so it’s not that unusual

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That’s different-- that’s the contrast in temperature, texture, and flavour. Merging it all in a crisp? shudder

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Yes, wasabi peas are available here. So too are wasabi crisps. (Also wasabi ice cream at Lidl from time to time. Have not tried that though.)

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Chocolate dipped or drizzled crisps were a thing a while back.

Ruffles squares, which are rice krispies squares made with rippled chips/crisps, butter and marshmallow ,are sold by some bakeries. Crispy, chewy, buttery, sweet.Same basic flavour profile as the vanilla ice cream Walkers.

I dislike vanilla ice cream so I wouldn’t choose anything flavoured like it, but I can see some people would like it.

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I don’t consider myself a particularly discriminating wine drinker, but I do know that I don’t want my cabernet to taste like Oreos.
I can almost understand the mustard wine, since wine is a key ingredient in a good Dijon mustard, but I don’t think I’d want to drink it.


Yep I’m properly HORRIFIED! :scream: :nauseated_face: I could see the sense of spicy Cheez-its & the Goldfish but the rest?

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I should just make a new thread for stupid news things and wastes of time. Headline read How to Get Your Money’s Worth out of a 79.99 pp Vegas Buffet. Their one and only worthwhile tip - come hungry.

Head directly to the Crab Legs and Prime Rib, and skip the potato salad at a $79.99 buffet :rofl:.

I still haven’t been to Vegas, but I’ve done buffets at Reno and Tahoe.

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got the cheez-its, $2.49? at GO

Not burnt but dark enough to get some flavor changes.


As I noted above, there are combinations of sweet and salty/savoury that are lovely, particularly as flavour is also accompanied by texture and temperature. But a chemical vanilla flavour doused over monster munch seems to be a mess all over. A flattening of every other effect and questionable flavour.

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I haven’t tried it.

I will say white chocolate-coated Golden Grahams cereal is addictive (called Clodhoppers, White Trash or Puppy Chow in North America), and I think these vanilla ice cream flavoured Monster Munch chips could or would be similar.

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