So long HOs.

I thought the subject line was disgusting, so I simply scrolled past as quickly as I could every time I saw it.

But am I the only one that keeps hearing is whilst reading this thread?

Sorry @NotJrvedivici, I know we’re having a serious discussion, but it’s just too easy. :joy::rofl::joy:


No need to apologize to me…!!! All I want is for people to be happy…live, laugh, love…and let’s try to not eat one and other!!


I believe the same article was posted on food talk central. About the tacos
No one is freaking out about it on that site .


Thanks! And I agree with all your points. It’s good to talk things out. Transparency is always good for everyone.

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Think it over. Don’t go.

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After discussions with the team, I’ve reinstated the thread and add a warning about the graphical nature of the linked content at the bottom of Doobiewah’s post. The issue at hand is not whether cannibalism article can be linked to (yes) or whether cannibalism can be discussed (yes), but rather the nature of the warning in the original post might lead someone to click into an article they might not want to read knowingly. These concerns weren’t sufficiently articulated during the conversation between the two parties.

Please note- The board Site Talk is set up to discuss any concerns about site functionality and management.