Slider roll suggestions [NJ]

Need advice in pretty short order. My daughter is hosting an exchange student from Spain (16 yrs old). They are leaving Saturday and the school is having a farewell pot luck lunch.

I am thinking of making mini P.E.C sliders (the most Jersey thing there is !!..thinking a 2 bite sandwich).

I usually use mini potato rolls for sliders but I don’t think they are the best for pork roll IMO. Any ideas of where I could find a mini kaiser roll (if such a thing exists ?)

In my mind, sliders = potato rolls every time!
Unless you want something more like a Parkerhouse roll…

King’s Hawaiian?

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I’ve never tried those… Are they sweet?

Yeah they are sweet…maybe will just stick with potato rolls. Was thinking crustier but probably best not to overthink it. Now to figure a good method to fry 40 eggs hahaha

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Muffin pans in the oven!


Costco makes mini pretzel buns which work great for sliders and hold up well. Not sweet.

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Yes I’ve done that before for faux poached eggs ! I have some big muffin tins and will use a medium egg should bake up flat enough! Thanks

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Picture of 40 pork roll sliders please!

My vote is pretzel rolls. I haven’t tried a PEC on one but I love burgers on them. I imagine they would be great.

As for eggs, that is a tough task. Although not traditional, you can use scrambled egg and that would be a hell of a lot easier to cook than individually frying them up

Best of luck


Thanks will definitely post a pic. I’m not a fan of scrambled eggs on sandwiches but it would be easier. I’m thinking large muffin tin preheated to 425 ish. Then drop eggs in the hot pans might come close to approximating a fried egg. Will let you know!

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Pepperidge Farm “Dinner Rolls” are about the right size, and not sweet. Well, they probably have some sugar in them, but they’ren ot obviously sweet… They’re fairly bland, which I don’t think is necessarily a bad thing for sliders, but not Wonder Bread bland (or insubstantial, they do have some substance…) I think either Arnold’s or PF makes slightly larger “slider buns” too (if they’re not actually called that, they mention it on the label). My supermarket carries all of the above only sporadically, but I think that’s their weirdness, not an indication of irregular availability in general…


That’s the kind of roll I was thinking of when I mentioned Parker house.

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Going to do a little comparison shop tomorrow. Still keep thinking of a roll with some crust like a Kaiser. My wife said just make regular ones and cut them in quarters but that’s not an option in my mind. I usually get rolls from Caputo’s in long branch. Maybe they have an option…

It may not look pretty, but a nice crusty toasted baguette sliced up in bite sizes would give you that crunch.

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White Manna in Hackensack uses Martin Potato rolls.

Making Sliders at White Manna in Hackensack, NJ


Our grocery stores here in New England (Cape Cod) sell slider rolls just like hamburger buns in addtiion to potato rolls. Not sure of name brand, maybe Stop & Shop in house.

If you put some oil or butter in the tins while They heat, I think you’ll get more fried than poached.

Or, you could heat up sheet pans, oil them well, and then drop the eggs on and put the pans back in for a few mins - if you want a more natural shape.


Aldi in Hazlet sells mini brioche rolls. They crisp up in seconds in a dry pan. Best of soft and toasted.

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I’ve seen sliders/mini rolls at bakeries lately too, worth a shot- if you’re buying a few they might even make as a special order for you

I’ve purchased slider rolls at Sickles Market, Little Silver, in the past.

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