Site migration

Original message: Site will be migrated to new and hopefully faster servers beginning 9PM Pacific Time (GMT-8) 11/5. There shouldn’t be any outage. Any anomaly (outage, slowness, etc) please email

WHAT? No hours-long, repeated “Doing Dishes” outages?

Italics, real boards, no outages. What’s next???

WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU, SAMPSON??? Get with the program, will you please?

Technical speak:

What’s going on? I am putting the site on CDN- content delivery network, which means the static stuff of the site, like the forum engine, images, are going to be delivered from servers closer to your geographical location instead of from San Francisco. The result? Site loading should be faster if you aren’t from the west coast.

You better remember the email address now, because when I said there shouldn’t be outages was when I jinxed the entire thing and hence the site will crumble tonight.

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No worries. This site is worth waiting for.


and if the site should crumble, you won’t be getting any email

oh, that’s an oops - or what?

oh the email is fine. it is with the company that registered the domain name.

it isn’t as bad as it sounds. I am merely going to be pointing the site to another set of servers. If it doesn’t work, I will just point it back to where it is pointing now. There may be a little delay for all that pointing, that’s all.

Even low tech like me can’t screw that up too bad.

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The migration is done. Looks like the site survived. If anyone knows anything odd about the site, please let me know.

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