Sidebar vs hamburger/ bacon dropdown menu- please vote

Quite obviously I did not. I do now, so thanks for your kind explanation.


You know what a ā€œhamburgerā€ menu is, correct?

No! :exploding_head:

They are traditionally 3 horizontal lines on most websites. HOā€™s ā€œhamburgerā€ menu has always been depicted whimsically as bacon strips

Oh! @linguafood , I was looking for old screenshots to see if I could identify a hamburger. :person_facepalming:t5:

I think we all need to clarify how weā€™re viewing HO

@LindaWhit , I use a newish Pixel tablet,( which has itā€™s own peculiarities), a Samsung tablet (on which I use the app), and occasionally a Pixel phone ( on which I Google Hungry Onion, which has the onion, but claims to be a musical group) and enter through a post I made a long time ago, then navigate to the landing page.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who was confused :sweat_smile:


Just changed my vote - starting to like the sidebar more and more!

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Seems like there is some confusion about the terminology so I edited/ clarified the original post that our choice is the sidebar versus the hamburger / bacon dropdown menu.


as I said earlier, I do not ā€œuse/needā€ the drop down menu ā€œas presentedā€ by either the hamburger or the bacon (me: aka snake) icon.

only to observe, in ā€œdefault view modeā€ the patty icon sticks to the upper menu bar area. but the default ā€œonā€ view for the bacon icon makes / obscures / absconds with a bunch of my computer screen.
I do not do ā€˜the internetā€™ on a smart phone, so I cannot address all the quirks of 3-4 inches screens.

however comma comma comma - as previously stated, clicking on the (now current) bacon/snake/whatever icon causes the left side, un-controllable stuff to ā€˜go awayā€™

which works for me. if I need such options, my preference would be the hamburger style drop down. given my need for those options, definitely a ā€˜nitā€™ issue.

Yeah, my comment was directed towards desktop users, which many Onions seem to be (?) Iā€™m mostly mobile user and I never used the bacon menu. So the vote is pretty much irrelevant for me. I was just trying to clarify hamburger vs bacon strips (ie, theyā€™re one and the same).

I almost exclusively vist HO on my laptop, and always use the bacon strip to get to my unread/latest/new threads.


for a bookmark, use:

thatā€™ll outdo the bacon . . .


Yeah, if Iā€™m on the main HOmepage I see it all. I guess I sometimes land on my profile page, and from there I need to hit the bacon squiggles.

Phones have advanced quite a bit from 3ā€ screens.
This isnā€™t 2008. :slight_smile:

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I access HO on a desktop, nearly always landing on the Latest page. I canā€™t recall ever using the hamburger drop down and do not access anything online from my phone except when on vacation.

I donā€™t terribly miss the blank space on the left, but it would be nice to be able to trim the width of the that item and leave more space between it and the main content. I expect most of the time, I will have that menu closed, however.

Calling the bacon a hamburger is just not very descriptive. I would add in some of the straight lines to the bacon, making it into a bacon cheeseburger icon. I would like a slice of onion on mine, but I think that may be asking too much.


The vote is in. 74% for the original hamburger/ bacon. So we switched the icon to the original position. Thanks.