Salzburg: Three Suggestions

During a four night stay at this summer’s Salzburg Festival, friends and I had three excellent meals in this town built for charm, music and good food.

First and best was a dinner at Brunnauer, our initial stop. The restaurant offers a modern take on Austrian food, with a bit of French flair. Service is excellent and terrace dining was lovely, given hot weather. Highlights were an exquisite roasted goose liver, a surprisingly good lobster bisque and a perfect grilled venison filet.

We chose M32 for a second dinner (early in order to make it to a 7:30 opera curtain), the restaurant associated with Salzburg’s modern opera museum. The place sits atop a cliff overlooking the city (reachable by an express elevator that also serves the museum) and has perhaps the best views in town, especially if, as was the case during our visit, the weather is fair and dining exclusively is on the terrace. The food was solid, if not exceptional. I especially liked my grilled turbot and a spicy tuna tartar.

Finally, we booked a dinner at Huber’s im Fischerwirt, a short taxi ride from the center of town. The restaurant offers a classic (but light) Austrian menu and has an atmosphere to match; the kitchen really delivers. The menu was stocked with seasonal mushrooms, lovely salads and classics like roast venison and squab. Notably, we were the only Americans (and perhaps among the few tourists) dining that night.