RIP Tony Mandola

I had the opportunity to meet him a few times professionally, (mine, not his). I found him to be a warm and convivial host professionally, (his, not mine).

Vaya con dios, amigo.


Can someone please move this to Texas for my dumb a$$?

@NotJrvedivici can you assist?

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We knew we recognized the name:

And then there was this family branch:

It’s now in its rightful place. (If you tag moderators or just flag your post, as @brucesw did, you’ll be sure someone who can make the change sees it.)

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I’m sick about this. I counted myself among his legions of friends and ate at his first restaurant Blue Oyster Grill in the 1980s and followed him to the first location of Tony Mandola’s Gulf Coast Kitchen. Up to and beyond 2020, I frequented his latest Waugh location and went to the closing days in 2021. I had no idea he had Alzheimer’s, he always knew us and greeted us warmly. Phyllis (Laurenzo) Mandola was always equally warm and charming.

His brother Vincent, who owned Vincent’s, Nino’s and Pronto Cucinino died in 2020. He was also super hospitable and the two of them had late lunches together often after lunch service at one or the others restaurant.

Phyllis must be so heartbroken. They met as children. :disappointed_relieved: