Revised! NJ HOdown - April 2018 Please take the survey!

Well, that’s a bummer! Just looked at those dates, and neither works for us.

WAH. Welcome to my version of cat herding… Hopefully you can join us for the next one!

To avoid these problems in the future we should:

  1. First do a survey to determine who should run the survey (let’s all always vote for Curlz since she seems to be enjoying this).

  2. Then run a survey to see what dates people want in the actual official survey.

  3. Next is the actual official survey of folks preferences by date and time.

  4. After the event comes the survey where people rate the HOdown in various areas like food, service, ambience, the people present and of course the quality of the various surveys that led to the event with suggestions for improvement in the survey process for the future.


I second the motion to discuss @BossaNova 's proposal.

  • @BossaNova (and I should probably just add @NotJrvedivici because you KNOW he’s one too…) Shall we take a survey to see if others agree, YOU WISEARSES??? :joy:

lol I actually just joined survey monkey to create my own survey but I’m not bright enough, nor have enough time to figure out how to do it. lol

It doesn’t seem to accept saying either date is okay.

Woof. Anyone else having that issue? I responded without any problem (and had done so on the first one, so it shouldn’t be an issue if you did the original)…feel free to let me know your preference if you can’t get it to work.

@eleeper Just realized you mean that BOTH dates are good for you…? Then it makes sense you can’t choose both on the survey. Noted!

Can you do a survey to see if we want @CurlzNJ to continue to be in charge of future surveys.

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Wisearse status CONFIRMED.

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What is Uzbek cuisine. Is it actually a thing???

It’s what they eat in Uzbekistan! Yes, a thing. Mediterranean-ish. @BossaNova can give you a very legit answer…

You can choose more than one answer!!

  • Curlz should continue to be incharge of future surveys
  • Curlz should be in charge of future surveys and photography at HOdowns
  • Curlz should be in charge of surveys, photography and chauffeuring us to HOdowns
  • Curlz should be in charge of surveys, photography, chauffeuring and splitting the bill at HOdowns
  • Curlz should be in charge of surveys, photography, chauffeuring and paying the bill at HOdowns

0 voters


Now that’s a survey!

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I can’t find the box that says @BossaNova should create all future surveys, but you can be damn sure there will be one on the next survey I create.

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I’ll post results of the survey Sunday morning, so if you haven’t chimed in yet, please do before then. Thx!

I’ve got to say, it’s an honor just to be nominated.

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Shouldn’t there be a way to say both dates work?


Congrats @joonjoon ! You get to design the next survey!! :joy: :grin: I knew someone would volunteer!