Restaurant horror stories

Those are my tuna salad secrets. High quality oil packed tuna and plenty of Kewpie mayonnaise. MSG for the win.


Unless you are a vegetarian or vegan food lover. I found his vitriol toward non-meat eaters off-putting.

Also, his descriptions of extreme sexual harassment that he found amusing.

I had long planned to eat at Squirl because I’d heard that the food was delicious. It’s pretty far away from my house and Los Angeles, CA is legendary for its traffic, so I never got around to eating at Squirl. When the news about their food handling practices came out, I was glad that I’d never made the trek.

Kewpie has got to be the eggiest mayo. MSG sounds lie it’d work, too. Good ideas.

ScottinPollack? I’m a meat eater. Sorry in advance, I guess.

I keep sesame oil and seeds in there, too. Hate it when sesame seeds go bad b/c it’s always right when you need them most.

I keep eggs on the counter, though.

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Yep, once I tried Kewpie I never bought another brand.

In addition to Kewpie being the best tasting in my view, it’s adorable how the bottle has a decorative tip so your food looks pretty.

Fair warning: The Kewpie that is made for the U.S. doesn’t contain MSG. If you want MSG (which I do) buy it in a Japanese grocery store.

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I had never had it until one day I bought a banh mi off a food truck and came back to ask what kind of mayo that was. Dude just held up the bottle, and I squinted just enough to make out the “Kewpie.” Dang fine mayo.

The, where to buy it. So, I’m walking around Walmart, from which I buy very little food, and see it in the little Asian section. Where has it been all my life?? I don’t care if you do Duke’s or Hellmann’s , whatever, Kewpie is special. Close to homemade as you can get.


Oh boy just read ted cruz comments on baristas…

Ted Cruz: ‘Slacker Baristas’ With Student Loan Debt Will Save Dems In Midterms (

“If you are that slacker barista who wasted seven years in college … if you can get off the bong for a minute … it could drive up turnout.”

Ahmed Baba said that “Food service workers are the biggest hustlers you will ever meet. Only a privileged out of touch fool would call them slackers” and “You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat and talk about food service workers”

Looks like time for him to learn to make his own coffee…the horror?


I’m with you. I see the kids hustling everywhere I go. WalMart, any busy fast food place, hardware store, wherever. Good manners, focus on client satisfaction, faith that their hard work will pay off.

When you have one who has never worked for a living, they seem to find it appropriate to offer their negatives on the actual workers. Ted ain’t the first silver spooner to pretend he knows what work really is. When your whole “work” history is politics, I feel you’re a bit insulated from the blue collar folks. Obvious here.

I don’t care about politics; but bullshit is bullshit, no matter whose mouth pooped it out.

I find the millennial generation to be quite hard-working. I’m proud of the work ethic and grit from kids I teach right now, 4 years old up to 21. My son and daughter have not been unemployed since they started working in high school, and they both went to college full time. Sadly , not Princeton and Harvard, like Mr. Cruz. My kids had to pay for their schooling. Work/pay. They get it alright.

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I completely agree.

Kids these days?

Kids these days put up with so much fucking shit and aren’t the whining complainers in our society. I’m so proud of the younger generation.

Keep up the great job teaching. What do you teach with such a broad range of ages?

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Look who bitches about politics the most. Our confrontational generations (boomers and Xs) seem to need to cry all the time, in terms of politics, economy, etc. I can only pray that what’s coming will lead to more conscientious political offerings. Pray hard.

I should mention, I’m gen X. '69, most don’t know , was the year of the cock . Make of it what you will.

“You can’t kill the rooster.” -Paul S

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For what?

Hopes and prayers.

I was told some might despise me for meat consumption, which , I feel, is pretty responsible consumption. That’s why there’s a question mark after your name. You never said anything mean to me.

I eat meat too, so still confused about your apology.

That’s why I asked the poster for clarification. I got nuttin’ on you. really got nothing on anyone here. Y’all good by me.

It just looks eggy; and those looks are not deceiving.

Only if they’ve been washed like they are in the US–it does something to the shell so that they can’t stay out on the counter as long as one which haven’t been washed. In many other countries, eggs are sold from the shelves and not from refrigerator cases. You can probably get away with leaving them out if you get them from the farmer’s market.

But I saw that you already keep them on the counter. :wink:

Farm fresh eggs, folks. Thick shells, orange yolks. Counter to fridge.

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