Refreshing Leftover Pizza…

Some cold pizzas taste better than other cold pizzas.

I think the thin Neapolitan ones and thicker Roman slices taste better cold that Pizza Hut, NY -style, Saskatchewan-style, Detroit-style pizza, Chicago deep dish, etc served cold.

How about Pizza a la Mode? A cold slice on top of a hot one.

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I always feel like if I have leftover pizza and I don’t want to eat it cold for some reason, I would just rather repurpose it into Panzanella, using toasted, sliced up pizza pieces as the “bread” in the Panzanella.

The previous thread linked to was just about re-heating leftover pizza; the OP suggests ‘refreshing’ with newly prepared condiments - sounds interesting to me. Probably have done it on the spur of the moment in the past but never gave it much thought. Will have to try something like @ScottinPollock’s suggestion.

Re: re-heating - I agree with @Phoenikia some varieties work better than others. I will eat cold pizza and not just out of desperate hunger but I prefer reheated or room temp. I came across the covered skillet on low some years ago and it’s my go-to method. I prefer crispy crust anyway.


That’s the other thing: I prefer a crispy crust & loathe coagulated cheese. Cold mushrooms? No thx.

I’ve never been that desperate (or starving) that I couldn’t wait the 5-7 min it takes to make the pizza taste almost as good as the first time around :relaxed:


You should.

(As should members of the other cohort celebrate their status is this binary view of the world.)

I thought I was the only person in the world who wont eat cold pizza

And yes, my toaster oven is also an air fryer.

I feel bad for you people who don’t know RI-style pizza strips that are meant to go straight from the fridge into your mouth. :laughing:


You made me look :joy:

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Yep, it’s just dough, sauce and a sprinkling of cheese. And most places sell out early.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t. I’ve lived long enough to know I prefer hot melty cheese over cold, coagulated.

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@Miss_belle @linguafood Huh? There’s no cheese on RI pizza strips. That’s the beauty of them.

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My bad. Still doesn’t appeal to me :woman_shrugging:

What is a Rhode Island pizza strip?

“A pizza strip is a rectangular strip of pizza, served on a crust that would be best described as focaccia, topped with a tomato sauce and often a dusting of grated Romano cheese. It’s served at room temperature.”

Might depend on the bakery. The strips I’ve had over the years were very lightly dusted with Romano or in some cases a couple shakes of dried oregano.

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Yeah, that’s a nope.

The real battle seems to between Philadelphia and Trenton with Rhode Island ignored.


I never have gotten the idea of cold pizza. Just is totally unappetizing to me…. and I did go to college. I usually reheat pizza with A very quick nuke in the microwave followed by actual reheating in a toaster oven (directly on the rack) or in a frying pan with a little olive oil (covered at first). I like pizza just a bit crispy.