Rahama African, Ghanaian in Woodbridge, VA

Aside from chains and maybe a few bars, Mexican and Ghanaian food seem to have a foothold in Woodbridge. I tried out Rahama for counter service, though there is a sign that warns you that it’s not fast food and to expect a wait.

From the large menu, we chose peanut soup with fufu and red red. Fufu is a typical African starchy blob with the sole purpose of soaking up food that is rich and liquidy, which in this case was a peanut soup with a ton of palm oil. It was a well crafted soup with some zippy spicing and a few chunks of bone with some meat barely clinging on.

The red red is an essential Ghanaian dish like a hearty pork n beans, made with cowpeas, palm oil, and tomato. It is served with plantains, some big chunks of dried meat with a thick bark on it , and a nice portion of fish with skin and bones. This was very carefully prepared food with a nice zing of cayenne and ginger. It looked beautiful and and tasted even better. The best Ghanaian meal I’ve had in a long time, and I will go back the next time I’m down there.


Nice to know about Rahanna. Aburi Gardens in Woodbridge is a longtime favorite of the Ghanaian community. I have no idea how it is now, but it was very good when my wife and I ate there back in 2007-2008 or so. We were just back from a vacation to Ghana and it didn’t stack up to the fabulous food we had there, but it was still very good. It’s still around and maybe its longevity says something about the food.

I went to Aburi Gardens years ago when it was the lone place for African food in Woodbridge. Now it has a lot of company.

As is often the case, it’s hard to make any great pronouncements based on such a small sample size. One dish tried one time in a restaurant. Still, I was impressed with the ‘red red’ at Rahama compared to other Ghanaian meals I’ve had throughout the area.

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