Quick trip next week-staying Midtown

On 42, past 8th. Walkable to GCT, not sure how much further I could walk to. I had knee surgery last week (bad timing, I know but the best date to get it done) and it’s slow healing.


The bus is your friend.

Though you could also go up to Zabar’s itself (add Barney Greengrass or Murray’s to the uptown list too.)


I think you can do better for your single splurge meal than Kellari (which I have enjoyed meals at, not dinging it). What’s the budget?

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If you want to stretch your dollar, there are lots of more affordable places to eat along 9th Ave . Much better value than anything closer to Times Square and GCT.

@Saregama recently reviewed the Thai place (Lum Lum) that took over Pam Real Thai, at 49th (iirc) &9th Ave [NYC] LumLum Thai Seafood Bar (9th Ave)

I had a good Brazilian brunch at Samba Kitchen on my last trip (2019). Daphne is a fairly affordable Greek restaurant near your hotel.

Taxis are pretty cheap relative to other cities, so I wouldn’t hesitate to jump into a cab to Chelsea or the UWS to get a better meal for less money.

I’ve visited NYC after knee surgery before, and I survived! :slight_smile:

The cross town blocks are a pain in the butt- since they’re wider than the north south blocks are long. There is a crosstown bus on 42nd if you want to save your energy. But if I was staying on 8th Ave, I’d be taking a taxi or subway north or south for less touristic grub.

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Budget max $50 total, for starter and entree, not including tax and tip. I’m allergic to alcohol so it’s either a soft drink (which I should really cut back on again) or tap water. Sigh…I miss drinking wine…


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Thanks for the tips. Staying in Manhattan is a bit weird but I pretty well know most of the city (and I don’t mean the other boroughs other than Brooklyn). Other than Wednesday, I don’t know what I want to do where before I head up to CT on Thursday.

As for post surgery survival, I survived breaking a bone in my left foot 28 hours after landing at JFK. I was in a cast from my toes to just below my knee. Learning how to use crutches (and not falling) was not fun. My vacation was ruined, staying in the apartment I grew up in and in bed, til my sister rescued me and took me to CT for my mother’s birthday party the next weekend. An experience I never want to repeat.

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Was Daphne Taverna on West 42? Yelp shows it as closed. Would love Greek food!


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Rethinking the budget. Could go $60 for dinner considering how much more expensive NY is than where I live. But I really don’t want “fine dining,” I’m gonna be tired, my flight leaves SFO at 6 am and I don’t want to dress up.


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It’s taking a lot of motivation even for New Yorkers to dress up after the pandemic, so I think you’ll be fine :joy:

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Sorry! Looks like Dafni closed at some point over the past year.

I hope someone else can recommend a Greek option nearby, in additon to Kellari, which will work with your budget. If you keep it simple, you could certainly do a lunch or dinner at Kellari, or at Snack Taverna. Mains at Snack Taverna are mostly $30-$32, but it would require a taxi or the subway.

I noticed Greek from Greece- it’s a fast casual chain with a location north of Macy’s. I haven’t been. Might be an okay place for a cheaper Greek lunch. I’m impressed they have the Greek iced coffees, and the photos of the spanakopita look good.
469 7th Ave

Oh gosh, I used to take a bus from Port Authority to visit my brother living upstate. Never had time to eat near there, I was always this-close-to-missing my bus to begin with. I’ll keep Upside in mind.


More memories–my paternal grandmother loved chocolate babka. My other grandmother made the best rugelach. If the timing were better, I’d bring some rugelach back to share at work. I don’t want to bring 4 day old anything, we’re kind of spoiled getting really good food where I work. I found some places in LA that have great black/white cookies and rugelach. Maybe I’ll bring some up for the family weekend.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Greek from Greece could work for lunch if I go shopping at Macy’s. Thanks for the suggestion!

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There’s a Breads Bakery kiosk in Bryant Park (6th & 42nd) that will have some baked goods. Breads’ babka and rugelach are great. Different style than Zabar’s.

I’ve never been to Zabar’s and never get up to the UWS, especially since my son outgrew going to the Museum of Natural History. What’s the difference between Breads Bakery and Zabar’s babka and rugelach?


I’ve bought the Zabar’s babka at the Eli Zabar’s bread and pastry shop in Grand Central. They carry some regular Zabar’s baked goods.

I will find some photos.

Breads version contains more chocolate. Breads also makes a nutella version.

I haven’t tried Zabar’s cinnamon babka yet.

The Breads Rugelach were bigger than Zabar’s and other rugelach I’ve bought.

Breads Babka

Breads chocolate rugelach

Zabar’s rugelach


Both you girls are pretty.

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Oh boy those pics have me drooling. Except the rugelach aren’t hand rolled, they’re machine rolled and cut. They dry out faster when machine rolled. But still worth a try. Thanks!

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I meant to say the Zabar’s rugelach are machine rolled.

Which one(s) taste better? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :slight_smile:


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I have a bit of a preference for raspberry, apricot or other rugelach made with conserves over chocolate rugelach, so I’m going to say I like Zabar’s a little more, because of the fillings they offer.

Russ & Daughters also sells rugelach but I haven’t tried them yet.