Questlove's "somethingtofoodabout"

Questlove’s somethingtofoodabout…just started reading this and am really enjoying it. It’s not a recipe book, but rather, a collection of Quest’s interviews and musings about some great chefs. Turns out Quest is something of a renaissance man who is fascinated with the ideas behind making art, music, and food.

From Bourdain’s foreword, “in ten conversations with ten wildly diverse, intensely focused chefs…Questlove explores their personal history, motivation, inspiration, and the ways that food can intersect with the other creative arts.
Food can be magic.”

I’m continually amazed at the breadth of some of these very talented people. I wasn’t all that familiar with The Roots until Fallon moved to the Tonight Show. Questlove is a whole lot more than he appears at first sight.

I’m not familiar with. Could you provide a link please?

I always thought he was weak behind the drum kit . To each his own , I would run with it also .:rolling_eyes:

He’s on the advisory board of the Museum of Food & Drink in Williamsburg. Which you should visit, if you haven’t already, and if you’re in the general vicinity of Williamsburg.

I saw The Roots at CBGB with Eye & I, back in the day. That was something.

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Quest is a brilliant essayist and thinker (and a killer drummer), and has done quite a lot in the world of food including opening up his own fried chicken stand in Chelsea (since closed, I believe). Looking forward to checking this out.

Link to Amazon…(can’t seem to get the hyperlink to work).

This may help.

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He’s been a guest judge on Top Chef before too. And I’ve seen Padma post some Instagram pics of them eating in NY together.

Pretty cool, thanks for sharing!!