Questions for fun community

I’m a student and I’m going to produce a video for fans (not recipe) just video for fun community! I would like to ask with the target audience before starting!

Dear users, I am very interested to know:

  1. How do you think in what scale (warm, cold or neutral tones) should the video be performed for your community?
    2.Does the author of a particular recipe matter to you or is the picture of the dish itself enough?
    3.What colors do you associate the following products with:
    bakery products
    spicy dishes
    Main dishes

Thanks for your extended answers! It will be very interesting to know your opinion!

Thanks to Google Translate, assuming it’s correct, I think I can welcome you as Alexander?

I have actually already replied to your post on another forum which I look at occasionally - and happened to look at it this morning. I’ll reproduce here, what I posted there (although I’ve given a different answer to your first question, as I view the two communities differently)

  1. Warm - this community is generally friendly and inclusive

  2. I don’t care about pictures of a dish. I do care about the recipe author

  3. Spice - red. Vegetables - green. Fruits - green. Bakery - white. Spicy dishes - red. Main dishes - tricky but brown . Soups - green.


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You are very kind! Thank you very much!

I don’t have good answers for all the questions, but I can answer one of them: because I can’t taste the food when I lick my screen, it helps me to know who created a video recipe. People shouldn’t trust a recipe that comes from me, because they’ve never tried my food and they’ve never heard of me. They can try my recipe if they want to, but first they’ll try the one from the famous good cook.

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