Question about Yum's Bistro's ostrich dish that's not on the menu any more (Fremont, CA)

Apparently a Yum’s Bistro lunch is on the horizon, so its preorder time. While digging through Yelp pictures of the specials board to see if there is anything new these days, I came across a dish from the board 7 years ago that I have not seen in recent years:

fresh nagaimo with sauteed ostrich

A photo at Yum
(No. 1 in the picture)

Has anyone tried that dish before? (want to see if they let people special order this dish, if its good) and more generally, being an ostrich newbie, what does ostrich taste like?


Back in the 1990s, at the height of the ostrich craze (and people invested in ostrich farms as tax dodges) there was a restaurant on Clay St. in SF Chinatown which specialized in ostrich dishes and, oddly, clam chowder. It was located where Golden King is now, and one room had a deli counter where you could buy your own ostrich meat cuts. I believe it was called the Golden Ostrich. Now don’t ask me what I’ve been smoking,

I don’t recall much about ostrich except it was like beef, but even blander.

According to George Costanza, “You know, they say ostrich has less fat, but you eat more of it.”

If you reaaly want to know what it tastes like, you can buy ostrich from Polarica USA in the Bayview.

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Ostrich burgers I’ve had are bland and useless, but I’ve had roasts (at the former Careme room) that tasted as intense as beef. The texture was more compact IIRC.

I wonder what cut of ostrich they use, or how those differ in general.

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What kind of dish is the ostrich one? Like Sichuan style?

Ostrich is lean and mild in taste. Here it’s only sold as steaks and is imported from South Africa.

I prefer kangaroo. Also sold here as steaks. In Australia it’s as common as beef and all cuts are sold in the supermarket, roo including sausages. Damn, why is Australia is so far and expensive… otherwise I would make it there soon.

The chef is a Cantonese master so it should be Cantonese style.

Thanks. Maybe I will call them up and ask them about it and see if they still know what cut of the ostrich it is and why they removed it from the menu. (Low demand? crappy taste?)

Gary alludes to it above. Ostrich farms were a “thing,” revealed to be a big ol’ pyramid scheme.

I don’t think Yum’s has offered this for a long time. Even his die hard regulars don’t order that since he does so many more great dishes.

Given that the #2 item on that 2009 menu is lamb brisket clay pot, it is also likely it was a limited offering at the time. Also, he only serves lamb claypot during winter season (same with snake bisque).

For lunch, Yum’s does a spectacular bean sprouts pork strips pan fried noodle, with the requisite yellow chives. Invest in $5 or so for a small side dish of his XO sauce (or regular house chili sauce/whatever they have or bring your own). Soy sauce supreme crab is stellar as always.

Thanks KK.

I talked to the staff about that dish. I was told that they haven’t offered this dish in ‘n’ years. (Cantonese saying for really really long time) He recalled that Chef Yum had really only made it a few times.

Super crowded for sat lunch last weekend. Must be the pre-Mother’s Day effect.

Gathering the names of some additional (preorder?) dishes that a friend* of Chef Yum’s regularly had (and my feeble attempt at translating). Time to go back for a feast. Salivating already.

枝竹薑葱炆石九公頭楠 (tofu skin, ginger, scallion, marbled rockfish?)
古法蒸新鮮鱈魚 (steamed cod)
煎封游水鱈魚 (panfried cod)
象拔蚌刺身 (geoduck sashimi)
象拔蚌頭泡飯 (geoduck soupy rice)/ 龍蝦泡飯 (lobster soupy rice)
蘭度榆耳龍蝦球 (lobster)
椰城蟹配饅頭 (indonesian crab plus buns)
豆腐炆鳕魚頭楠 (tofu cod head eh…)
紅燒水魚 (fish)
盲鰽炒球/ 石九公炒球 (fish)
香煎新鮮黄花魚 (panfried yellow fish)
木瓜雪耳花生眉豆燉魚頭 (papaya, tree fungus, peanuts, black eye peas, fish head)
白灼花蝦 (prawn)
炆鵝掌海參 (goose web, cucumber)

冬瓜肘子湯 (winter melon pork knuckle soup)
木瓜燉雪耳 (papaya tree fungus)
節瓜盅 (zucchini soup?)

other dishes:
花膠鵝掌北菇 (mushroom, fish belly, goose web)
香酥鴨 (duck)
幸福圑圆 (dessert)
蜆芥牛腱煲 (eh…)
避風塘大腸拼煙肉百花卷 (intestine bacon roll)
華記叉燒和燒鴨 (how’s wah kee’s char siu and roasted duck?)
菜生扣鴛鴦鷄 (veg chicken, now i am really giving up)
皮蛋酸羗避風塘大腸茄子 (preserved egg intestine eggplant)
咸蛋黄南瓜象拨蚌頭 (salted duck egg, pumpkin geoduck)

北菇鵪鶉臘腸煲仔飯 (mushroom, quail, preserved sausage claypot rice)
臘味煲仔飯 (preserved sausage claypot rice)
荷葉飯 (lotus leaf rice)

*Monica Wei Kwan

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sck, if you arrange a meal at Yum’s I’d love to be part of the group!

My schedule is somewhat unpredictable over the next weeks. But if there is interest for lunch tomorrow, I can phone in a preorder tonight…

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I could make a lunch tomorrow (Monday 9/19)…

I think its safe to say that there isn’t sufficient interest this time. Then again, its Monday lunch, in Fremont, on short notice…

I’d be interested in lunch there. Count me in if there’s ever enough interest.

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One more soup: 杏汁燉豬肚湯 almond pig stomach soup

Unfortunately my schedule has changed recently so I am not able to organize a meal there any time soon (without my kids in tow). So I’d high encourage all of you to organize yourself.

Some more dishes. I found that Google translate does a very solid job. Just click the globe button below the post.


On my computer (Chrome browser under Windows 10) the globe gives me Microsoft’s translation. Right-clicking gives me the Google translation. Microsoft wins this round.