Peconic Bay Scallop Season starts today......

I wait all year for this moment, just like Christmas and Thanksgiving all rolled into one :wink:


Yum! Any favorite places to pick these up?

There are a couple of fishermen who sell them on the side of the road here in the Riverhead area…and then, my car mechanic also sells them at his shop whenever his son gets out :wink: I’m hearing $20 a lb right now.


Worth it!! Enjoy!! :slight_smile:

I’m hearing all the local fish stores have them too, it’s going to be a good harvest. I was tied up the last couple of days, but hoping to locate some tomorrow. Will advise!

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Photo from last year just popped up, a timely reminder for me :wink:

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Found them, but down the road a bit. A bit of a bit :wink:

Off to make dinner now.

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